File Monolith
File Monolith is a set of open-source tools which provide support for
file management and folder formatting for MGSV:TPP. File Monolith
consists of six separate tools as of v0.4.0.0:
- Archive Unpacker: The user can select Archive (.dat) files, which
the tool will unpack into a target directory. Then, the tool will
unpack all .fpk, .fpkd, .pftxs, and .sbp files within the directory.
- Mass Texture Converter: The user can select a directory and the tool
will attempt to convert all texture files from .ftex(s) to .dds. The
resulting .dds files are sent to a target directory.
- File Proliferator: The user selects any number of files, of any
type. The tool will search for these files in the MGSV file
structure. If these filenames are found in the game files, the tool
creates a directory structure to mirror MGSV’s and then copies the
user’s files into the structure.
- Filename Updater: The user can select any files with hashed
filenames, and the tool will attempt to update their names and
filepaths using the latest qar_dictionary. Any updated files are
copied to the target directory.
- Archive Transferrer: The user selects their Ground Zeroes and
Phantom Pain executable files, and the tool will attempt to
automatically transfer the game archives from Ground Zeroes and
Metal Gear Online into The Phantom Pain.
- Texture Aggregator: The user can select a Packed Fox Textures
(.pftxs) file, and the tool will attempt to automatically complete
the textures partially contained in the .pftxs, and then convert the
textures to DirectDraw Surface (.dds) format.
Archive Unpacker
The Archive
Unpacker is a simple tool which unpacks user-specified .dat files, and
then unpacks all .fpk, .fpkd, .pftxs and .sbp files which resided in the
.dat files into one single directory structure. This tool has three
- To provide the user with a “monolithic” view of MGSV’s files,
assuming the user chooses to unpack all .dat files.
- To provide Mass Texture Converter with .ftex(s) files.
- To provide File Proliferator with file lists (TppMasterFileList.txt
is pre-included in the download) and a texture directory (for
pulling vanilla .ftex(s) files into _pftxs folders).
- Unpacking all .dat files will take a while.
- The tool will unpack in reverse-alphabetical order, starting with
texture4.dat and ending with 0/00.dat. This allows for any updated
files to overwrite their older versions. For this reason, I do not
recommend unpacking modded .dats into your target folders.
- The unpacked (Condensed) directory structure requires ~25GB of
space, excluding MGO/SDD Archives.
- The “Condensed Directory Structure” option will take the files
contained within the .pftxs, .fpk, .fpkd and .sbp and pull them to
the head of the directory structure.
- (Ex: \Assets\tpp\SomePack_fpk\Assets\SomeFile.fmdl ->
- Otherwise, the files will remain in their unpacked folders (Ex:
- The “Condensed Directory Structure” checkbox must be checked in
order for Mass Texture Converter to convert all MGSV textures.
Mass Texture Converter
The Mass
Texture Converter enables the user to convert any given amount of
.ftex/.ftexs files into .dds files. The user simply selects the input
folder, the output folder, and whether to include subdirectories for
conversion. This tool has one purpose:
- To provide the user with an easy and safe way of converting a large
number of .ftex/.ftexs into .dds files.
- Unpacking all of MGSV’s textures will take a while.
- In order to convert a .ftex file, all of the .ftexs files for the
texture must be contained in the same folder. *For this reason, the
Archive Unpacker must use the “Condensed Directory Structure” option
(Some .ftex and .1.ftexs are contained only in .pftxs files, so they
must be pulled into the same folder as the remaining .ftexs).
- If “Convert Subfolders” is selected, the tool will also search
through the subfolders of the input directory. The output directory
will retain the directory structure.
- (Ex: Input\Assets\SomeTexture.ftex ->
- I recommend using the SageThumbs Plugin, in order to preview the
.dds files in their thumbnails without opening them in GIMP or
- Excluding MGO/SDD textures, the unpacked .dds files require ~21GB
of space.
File Proliferator
The File
Proliferator tool is the most powerful and feature-rich tool of the set.
Although it has a number of use-cases and functions, its primary role is
to create MakeBite-ready file directories for MGSV. From the files input
by the user, this tool will search through the entirety of MGSV’s files
(including the contents of .fpk, .fpkd, .pftxs and .sbp files) for a
matching filename. Upon finding a match, the tool will create a mimic of
the file’s directory structure in the target directory, and then place a
copy of the user’s file into that directory. In essence, this
“proliferates” the user’s files into the MakeBite structure, ready to be
packed into a .mgsv file.
This tool has a number options, but only one purpose:
- To help create a MakeBite-ready file structure from the user’s input
- TppMasterFileList.txt: The tool will look up files from a text
document, TppMasterFileList.txt, which lists all of the file paths
(including files contained in .fpk, .fpkd, .pftxs and .sbp files),
excluding those from MGO/SDD Archives.
- TppGeneratedFileList.txt is build automatically after using the
Archive Unpacker. The user can promote TppGeneratedFileList.txt
to TppMasterFileList.txt by simply changing the filename and
replacing the old TppMasterFileList.txt.
- Users can manually add file path entries into
TppMasterFileList.txt, and File Proliferator will accept these
paths as true MGSV file paths.
- This may be useful if the user intends to use custom texture
or script names for their mod.
- Reference File: The user can choose to select a “Reference File” for
their directory structure. File Proliferator will search the MGSV
file paths for folders that contain the Reference File, and then
create a directory structure to mimic wherever that file was found.
All of the user’s input files are then copied to those folders.
- Using a Reference File is very situational, especially if the
“Set in Root of Packs” checkbox is unchecked.
- If the “Set in Root of Packs” checkbox is checked, File
Proliferator will pull the user’s file to the root directory of
the _fpk, _fpkd, _pftxs and _sbp folders where the Reference
File was found. This may be useful if the user is adding hashed
files to the folder of a Reference File.
- (Ex: User input: 1aa64302cee42.ftex, Reference File:
SomeFile.ftex, | 1aa64302cee42.ftex ->
- Texture Options: File Proliferator comes with three options for
texture management when creating the MakeBite directory structure.
- Pull Vanilla .ftex | .ftexs to _pftxs: Selecting this option
will prompt the user to set a Texture Directory, where File
proliferator can “autofill” the generated _pftxs folders by
grabbing vanilla .ftex and .ftexs files and copying them to the
_pftxs folders (in order to reflect the vanilla .pftxs file).
- This option is intended to utilize the Archive Unpacker’s
Output Directory as a texture library.
- This process may take a while depending on the number of
generated _pftxs and their vanilla filesizes.
- This function also utilizes the TppMasterFileList in order
to find .ftex/.ftexs files that belong to a given pftxs
- Convert .dds to .ftex: With this option enabled, The user can
use .dds files as Input Files. The tool will attempt to convert
these files to .ftex/.ftexs files before proliferating them to
the MakeBite file structure.
- If this option is not selected, using .dds files will not be
converted or copied to the MakeBite directory structure
(unless the user manually adds the .dds file paths to the
- Pack _pftxs: Upon creating the MakeBite Directory Structure,
this option will automatically pack any _pftxs folders to
.pftxs files using BobDoleOwndU’s AutoPftxsTool.
- Since MakeBite does not automatically repack _pftxs folders
like it does with _fpk or _fpkd, the user will need to
either manually pack _pftxs folders, or check the “Pack
_pftxs” checkbox.
- After packing the .pftxs files, File Proliferator will ask
the user whether to delete the leftover _pftxs folders. In
either case, the user should not include _pftxs folders in
their final MakeBite file.
Filename Updater
The Filename
Updater allows users to update old, hashed filenames to their unhashed
filepaths. Assuming that the files were originally unpacked using an
outdated version of the qar_dictionary.txt, this tool will copy and
rename the input files to the target directory.
This tool has one purpose:
- To provide users with support when updating old mods.
- Upon finding an update for a filename, the tool will create a copy
of the hashed file. The copy is then renamed and moved to the output
- (Ex: 3cb5fc5a6e14d.2.ftexs ->
- When a filename is updated, the tool can include the file’s full
filepath by checking the “Include Directory Structure” checkbox. The
copy of the updated file will be sent into the directory structure.
- (Ex: 3cb5fc5a6e14d.2.ftexs ->
Archive Transferrer
The Archive Transferrer allows for the user to automatically import
Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Online data into The Phantom Pain. This
tool will reformat and copy the files as necessary, without modifying
the original data.
This tool has one purpose:
- To provide the user with a streamlined method of pulling data
archives from Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Online into The Phantom
- Currently the tool is only designed to transfer the “texture”
archives from Ground Zeroes / Metal Gear Online. A future update
should allow the user to transfer the “chunk” archives.
- This tool utilizes morbidslinky’s fork of
GzsTool in order to
reformat the Ground Zeroes archive.
- Transferring the archives may take a moment.
In order to read these foreign archives, SnakeBite makes the necessary
edits to the foxfs.dat upon its initial setup, independently from the
Archive Transferrer.
- There is no order to setting up SnakeBite and importing foreign
archives, but both steps are necessary in order to utilize the other
games’ data.
Texture Aggregator
The Texture Aggregator allows for the user to automatically build
textures from a Packed Fox Textures (.pftxs) file. Given a .pftxs, the
tool will unpack the file’s partial textures, pull the additional
texture files from the user’s unpacked archives (from the Archive
Unpacker’s output), and then (optionally) convert all fox textures to
DirectDraw Surface (.dds) files.
This tool has one purpose:
- To provide the user with a streamlined method of collecting all
textures associated with a specified .pftxs file.
- This tool expects the user to have unpacked the contents of all of
TPP’s texture archives to a directory using the Archive Unpacker
- The aggregation process may take a moment, depending on the contents
of the .pftxs file.
- TppMasterFileList.txt: Similar to the File Proliferator tool,
Texture Aggregator references TppMasterFileList.txt to determine the
additional textures which need to be pulled from the unpacked
texture archives.
- I recommend using the SageThumbs Plugin in order to preview the .dds
files in their thumbnails without opening them in GIMP or Photoshop.