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Contents Contents:
  1. Usage

FsmTool is open-source unpacker and repacker for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’s .fsm files written by BobDoleOwndU. The tool can extract the DEMO and SND chunks from .fsm files. Additionally, when extracting SND chunks, the tool automatically builds them into a Wwise sound file (.wem).


To unpack a .fsm, a user simply needs to drag and drop a .fsm onto the tool. The tool will output the extracted chunks into a folder named <filename>_fsm along with a .xml file documenting the contained chunks. A .wem file built from the file’s SND chunks will also be inside the folder containing the chunks.

To repack a .fsm file, the user needs to drag an output .xml file onto the tool. The tool will read the file list from the .xml and repack the .fsm file based on that list.