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Contents Contents:
  1. Overview
  2. nodeTags
  3. edgeTags
  4. Orientation Axis using GeoxPath2

GeoxPath2 entity makes it possible to create nodes on the map where the player can interact with specific places in the environment. Climbling, jumping and hanging are some of the examples.

List of the tags:


Some tags still need more study to know how to use them. For now, here are some common, easy and useful tags to start with: Climb, Elude, Fence and Jump


The minimal nodes and edges seems to be two nodes and one edge. Four nodes for three edges, eight nodes for seven edges, and so on. Basically the nodes are always the edges + 1.

Notice that the nodes are parented with the Transform Position of the entity.

The Fence tag seems to work if the nodes are in a horizontal line, same for Elude and Jump. But things like the climb tag works with the nodes in a vertical position too.

FoxKit can build GeoxPath2, but is missing the choice to order the nodes with the edges for now. The user has to manually edit the Outlink and the Edges address in its XML file instead. See the image below to understand how it works.

The first node is at the same place as the Entity Transform, so it’s 0,0,0. The second node together with the first one will create a line where the player will receive the action icon of the tag.

Each first GeoxPathNode has an Outlink to the first edge, and the second GeoxPathNode has a Outlink to the second edge, IF it exists. In the Image below there is only one GeoxPathEdge.

Take some time to look at the GeoxPath2 in \Chunk2\Assets\tpp\level\location\afgh\block_large\waterway\afgh_waterway_path.fox2 (found inside the afgh_waterway.fpkd in \Assets\tpp\pack\location\afgh\pack_large). Inside that, one GeoxPath2 uses a climb tag with three nodes and two edges. The first node has an Outlink with the first edge. The second node has an Outlink with the first edge and the second edge. Finally, the third node has an Outlink with the second edge… Yeah it’s quite confusing.

Another setting of the GeoxPath2 is the selectIndex, which seems to have values similar to the amount of nodes or edges?… or the nodes + edges. But I lack any info about it. So far a number equal to the amount of nodes make it

This is the minimal info enough to start with the Entity GeoxPath2.


To be written…



Value Description
ToIdle Make the player walk more steps after the climbing is done
Window Fires a sound similar to Intrude Cam and after the climbing it does a small step forward
EnableFall Make the player walk more steps after climbing, same as ToIdle…
FallNear Make the Player stop moving forward after climbing
LineCheck TBD
FenceToStepOn The distance where the player starts climbing here is different than the tags above. It’s a short distance. Seems like this one work better for box or square models, while the others tags are better for rounded models.

Best config to Close a Square Model is to set five nodes and four edges. Load three tags at once, Fence, Jump and Urgent. Fence for Climbing, Jump for get out “flying” and Urgent for fast grab if fall. Set the position quite near to the model and add edgeTag FenceToStepOn to land right after Climb.

Orientation Axis using GeoxPath2

The order and direction of Blue Axis and Red Axis matter to Fence, StepOn, Jump, Behind, Elude and Urgent work properly. See image. The Blue Axis lead the direction to start the Nodes. The Red Axis should face the player action and therefore the Action will only occurs in that side even for Jump and Elude. Behind is the only one that need to be lower, at the bottom of model/wall.