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How to create custom lang entries


Contents Contents:
  1. Getting Ready
  2. lang_default_data_XXX.fpk
    1. Creating new entries
    2. Modifying existing entries
  3. Lang XML Template
  4. Compile lng2 file
  5. Using your custom lang entries for equips
    1. Setting it up for Zeta
    2. EquipDevelopConstSetting.lua
  6. Using your custom lang entries for staff
    1. Setting it up for Zeta
    2. MbmCommonSetting.lua

This tutorial will help you create your own lang entries instead of replacing them. This can be useful for when you create your own custom equips, staff members, or missions/locations. It is recommended that you read Lang Files before following this tutorial.

Getting Ready

Install SnakeBite Mod Manager, which also includes MakeBite, the tool you need to build MGSV files. Download GzsTool and LangTool then extract them to their own folders.


If you haven’t extracted lang_default_data_<language>.fpk, you can extract it from chunk0.dat by drag & dropping it on GzsTool. Once extraction is finished, go to your mod’s project folder and create this directory structure Assets\tpp\pack\ui\lang\. Copy lang_default_data_<language>.fpk to Assets\tpp\pack\ui\lang\. Last step, open MakeBite, select the mod’s project folder, build the MGSV file as it will also extract all FPKs. Alternatively, you can drag & drop lang_default_data_<language>.fpk onto GzsTool. If you’re unsure which language to modify, choose eng (english). You can provide support for other languages if you’d like.

Creating new entries

If you’re only adding custom lang entries, remove all lng2 files inside of the FPK from the ”\Assets\tpp\lang\ui” directory. It should be empty so it doesn’t overwrite any existing entries.

Modifying existing entries

Inside that directory, you’ll find lng2 files for staff, weapons, items, dialogues, etc. If you’re interested in modifying existing lng2 files, you can use the LangTool to decompile them as XML files by drag and dropping them on LangTool.exe. From there, you can edit the XMLs and compile new lng2 files from them. Whatever lgn2 files you don’t modify, should be removed as well.

NOTE: Decompiling lng2 files might replace langIDs with keys, which are StrCode32 versions of them.

Lang XML Template

Below is an example XML script which you can use to setup your very own lang entries! When you replace the LangIDs, make sure they’re unique enough. You can copy the following snippet and paste it into a text editor, make your modifications, and save it as an XML file, rename the extension to “.lng2.xml”.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<LangFile xmlns:xsi="<nowiki></nowiki>" xmlns:xsd="<nowiki></nowiki>" Endianess="BigEndian">
    <Entry LangId="custom_lang_id_a" Color="1" Value="Custom Lang ID A" />
    <Entry LangId="custom_lang_id_b" Color="1" Value="Custom Lang ID B" />
    <Entry LangId="custom_lang_id_c" Color="1" Value="Custom Lang ID C" />

Compile lng2 file

Next, drag and drop your lang XML file onto LangTool.exe. It should compile the XML as a lng2 file in the same directory. If it doesn’t, check if your XML file is missing any opening or closing quotes or tags, such “</Entries>” or “</LangFile>”. Once it successfully compiles it as a lng2 file, you can add it in the \Assets\tpp\lang\ui directory inside your custom lang_default_data_<language>.fpk.

Using your custom lang entries for equips

To setup an equip’s lang entries, you have to change their development const settings.

p00 The DevConst ID for the equip.
p06 The langId for the equip’s name in the iDroid development menu and Hud.
p07 The langId for the equip’s description in the iDroid development menu and Hud
p30 The langId for the equip’s full name shown in the infobox displayed in the iDroids development menu.

Setting it up for Zeta

For Zeta mods, you can create new equips or alter existing equips without overwriting EquipDevelopConstSetting.lua. If altering an equip, p00 should match the DevConst ID of the equip you wish to change. [Coming Soon: A tutorial for creating custom equips in Zeta will be linked here]

function this.EquipDevelopConstSetting()
           p00=XXX, --Should match the DevConst ID


For legacy MGSV mods, you have to modify EquipDevelopConstSetting.lua to replace an equip’s lang entries. Each RegCstDev call sets an equip’s devconst parameters. You can modify an existing entry or create your own, and set the p06, p07, p30 parameters to use your entries instead.

TppMotherBaseManagement.RegCstDev{    p00=XXX,    p01=TppEquip.EQP_XXX,    p02=TppMbDev.EQP_DEV_TYPE_XXX,    p03=XXX,    p04=XXX,    p05=XXX,    p06="name_wp_XXX",    p07="info_wp_XXX",    p08="/Assets/tpp/ui/texture/EquipIcon/XXX",    p09=TppMbDev.EQP_DEV_GROUP_XXX,    p10="ability_XXX",    p30="real_wp_XXX",    p31=XXX,    p32=XXX,    p33=XXX,    p34=XXX,    p35=XXX,    p36=XXX }

Using your custom lang entries for staff

Unique staff members can have their own unique names. Fortunately, all that needs to be changed is the nameLangMessageId.

Setting it up for Zeta

For Zeta mods, you can create new unique staff or alter existing staff without overwriting MbmCommonSetting.lua. If modifying a unique staff member, uniqueTypeId should match the uniqueTypeId of the unique staff member you wish to change. [Coming Soon: A tutorial for creating unique staff members in Zeta will be linked here]

function this.MbmCommonSetting()
               uniqueTypeId=XXX, --Should be unique to the staff member


For legacy MGSV mods, you have to modify MbmCommonSetting.lua to replace an equip’s lang entries. Each RegisterUniqueStaff call sets a unique staff member parameters. You can modify an existing staff member or create your own and set the nameLangMessageId parameter with your custom langID.

TppMotherBaseManagement.RegisterUniqueStaff{    uniqueTypeId=XXX,    nameLangMessageId="staff_name_XXXXX",    combatSectionPoint=XXX,    developSectionPoint=XXX,    baseDevSectionPoint=XXX,    supportSectionPoint=XXX,    spySectionPoint=XXX,    medicalSectionPoint=XXX,    skill=XXX,    isEnmity=XXX,    moraleEnmity=XXX,    condition=XXX,    badConditionWeight=XXX,    langProficEnglish=XXX,    langProficRussian=XXX,    langProficPashto=XXX,    langProficKikongo=XXX,    langProficAfrikaans=XXX,    missionId=XXX }