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How to replace sortie prep music in less than five minutes



This video assumes you have unpacked your game with File Monolith and have SecaProjects SBP Tool, Wem Converter and Wwise installed.

You will also need a basic understanding of MakeBite and how to use SnakeBite Mod Manager.

File Monolith

SBP Tool

Sound Converter

Wwise 2015

Part 1: Locating the .sbp and extracting it

To start off, you will need to find common_bank_01.sbp. located in Assets/tpp/sound/asset.

Once you have found it copy it into your working folder, then drag it onto the SBP Tool. This will create a folder called common_bank_01 and extract it into .wems we can work with. Now open the new common_bank_01 folder and go into the stp folder. There you will find 3cb314cd.wem, This is the sortie prep music file.

Part 2: Converting and finding a replacement

Now you have 3cb314cd.wem you should copy it into the sound converter folder alongside divinity_converter.exe. Double click the exe and it will convert the .wem into a .ogg inside the NUMBERED folder. Just to be safe, listen to it to make sure you got the right file. Now comes the fun part, find a piece of music you think would sound good and make sure its in the .wav format. Now open Wwise 2015 and create a new project, go to File up the top left and down the menu to Project Settings. Click on the Source Settings tab then Default Conversion Settings, Change it to Vorbis Quality High. Now click ok on both panels to save your new settings.

Part 3: Wav to Wem

At this point you should have your new music in wav format ready to be imported into Wwise. Click File up the top left and go down to Import Audio files, after clicking this a new window will pop up and you must drag your .wav into it. Now click the import button. Once done head back up to the top left and click on File once more then down to Convert All Audio Files. Make sure Windows is ticked then click ok and your wav has been successfully converted! Finally, Head to (User)/Documents/WwiseProjects/(projectname)/Windows/SFX. Your .wem will be there.

Part 4: Replacing and Repacking

Copy your new .wem back to your working folder and into common_bank_01/stp, now delete 3cb314cd.wem rename your new .wem to 3cb314cd. Once this is done go back to the folder with SBP Tool, The Common_bank_01 Folder and Common_bank_01.sbp. Rename Common_bank_01.sbp to something like Common_bank_01_Backup for safety, Then drag the Common_bank_01 Folder onto SBP Tool. This will create a new Common_bank_01.sbp.

Part 5: Making your mod

Create a new folder structure like: Assets/tpp/sound/asset and place your new Common_bank_01.sbp inside. Open MakeBite and build your mod, make sure you fill out the name and description so you don’t forget what the mod does. Once created, install your mod with Snakebite and you are done!