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Loading Lua files externally using IH

Contents Contents:
  1. Using IH to load lua files externally (in MGS_TPP\mod) instead of internally (in dat or fpkd)
    1. in-dat lua files:
    2. in-fpkd lua files:

Using IH to load lua files externally (in MGS_TPP\mod) instead of internally (in dat or fpkd)

These methods should only be used to speed up developing a mod, when building a release version you should revert to using the lua files loaded normally/internally.

in-dat lua files:

Simply copy the in-dat lua file to MGS_TPP\mod , while retaining the internal path ex copy:

-Whatever folder you extracted dat to-\Assets\tpp\motherbase\script\MbmCommonSetting.lua



Edit your external lua, then quit and start the game again and IH should load the external lua. If there’s an error IH should log that to MGS_TPP\mod\ih_log.txt , search for: ‘ERROR’

in-fpkd lua files:

Fox automatically loads the lua files in the fpkd when it loads it, so these need a workaround to get them to load an external lua file instead.

1. Make a ‘dev’ folder in MGS_TPP\mod\, ex:


2. Copy the fpkd lua you want to work on into that dev folder, rename it, just add something to the end of the name like

f30050_sequence.lua to f30050_sequence_dev.lua

3. At top of the existing in-fpkd lua file add:

local loadExternal=true

if loadExternal then

  local fileName="f30050_sequence_dev.lua"

  return InfCore.PCall(function()return


Making sure the fileName= matches the external lua filename.

4. Copy the same block of code from local loadExtenal to the end to the top of the external dev lua. Changing to loadExternal=false

or you’ll get an infinite recursion of loading until it fails lol

6. Build/install your .mgsv

Then whenever the game loads the in-fpkd lua that will load the external dev lua, and (if you have debugMode on, via IH debug menu) it will log parsing errors to ih_log.txt when it first loads.

When you’re ready to do a release build just copy the _dev lua back over the in-fpkd lua (and double check the in-fpk lua has the loadExternal=false from the external lua)

This method is useful depending on when the game loads/unloads the fpk.

For mission scripts it means you can just quit the game (or quit to ACC), edit your _dev lua in MGS_TPP\mod\dev\ then restart the game and it will used the edited lua.

For sideops scripts just exit the sideops loadArea, edit your external lua then return to the sideop loadArea, and it should load your external lua.