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Creating a Section


Contents Contents:
  1. About
  2. Necessity
  3. Organizing the files
    1. Images/file attachments

As you can see from the sidebar tree list and from the breadcrumb links above the page title this Meta section of the site is different from the usual single-level pages.


Sections are just regular pages that have a permalink (URL) metadata with multiple levels in the path. For example this page’s permalink line is:

permalink: /Meta/Creating_Editing_Pages/Creating_a_Section/

The wiki automatically detects that a path has multiple levels (distinguished by forwardslashes /) and looks for a page that matches a permalink of each part of the path.

The wiki continues looking for matching pages until reaching the first level (eg: /Meta/), which it then sets as the ‘root’ section page.

This means that each part of the permalink path requires its own page. This page’s parent page is /Meta/Creating_Editing_Pages/, which then becomes clickable via the sidebar/breadcrumb links. This is a strict requirement for the hierarchy to work and just general ease of navigation.

Or put another way, for a permalink like /Meta/Creating_Editing_Pages/Creating_a_Section/ it requires this page and two others. One with a permalink of /Meta/Creating_Editing_Pages/ and another with /Meta/.


Sections aren’t needed for most parts of the wiki. It’s only really for groups of related pages that make sense being collected into a hierarchy for easier navigation.

Sections like the Entity Reference for instance would be far less easy to browse without supporting a hierarchy.

Organizing the files

The Markdown files themselves don’t need to match a directory hierarchy or naming of the permalink path. In fact the only thing that determines the hierarchy is the permalink path itself within each Markdown file and that there is a matching Markdown file that has the same permalink for each level in the path.

This allows you to flexibly organize Markdown files.

For example this section currently has the following directory structure:

        ... etc

However it could be alternatively organized as a more flat directory structure:

        ... etc

It doesn’t matter too much but if working with section files keeping sub-section Markdown files within a directory named after the root page is recommended, just for minimum sanity of wiki organization.

Also if editing an existing section follow its existing directory structure convention if creating new files, for consistency.

Images/file attachments

For images/files meant for such sections just create an identically named sub-directory inside assets.

So for this Meta section I have an assets/Meta/ directory where I placed images used for the various guides/pages and then linked them in the posts like normal. How you organize the files within the directory is up to you.