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Things Codes


Contents Contents:
  1. TPP
    1. chara
    2. animals (chara)
    3. mecha
    4. item
    5. weapons
    6. vfx_effect
  2. Environment
  3. Item types with unknown codes
  4. GZ
    1. chara
  5. Locations
  6. SSD (Metal Gear Survive)
    1. chara
    2. Mecha
    3. Items
    4. Weapons

MGSV names a lot of its things with short 3-4 letter abreviated names.

Just the general types, each type might have variant models, or be a wide category ex thr for all throwable items

A lot of files/paths also include the mission code its in.



Breakdown of specfic character model variants can be found in Infinite Heaven MGS_TPP\mod\modules\InfBodyInfo.lua bodyInfo table and the annotated Solier2FaceAndBodyData.lua from IH or the Deminified data1 luas.

code description
avm Avatar Male
cdt Code Talker
chd Child
chi Chico
cps Corpse - burnt corpses / - s10150_area02, Pitch Dark floating bodies
ctn Curtain - sole model s10010_d06
dct Doctor
ddr DD Researcher (not chara/ddr/ but chara/dds/ddr)
dds Diamond Dogs Soldier
dnt Arms dealer suit - pfs0_uniq0_v04_fpk
emt Emergency Medical Technician - s10010_d10
hyu Huey
ish Ishmael
kaz Kaz
lqd Eli (Liquid)
mnt Mantis (Tretij Rebenok)
nin Ninja (Cyborg Ninja)
nrs Nurse
oce Ocelot
olm X-ray effect bino body
paz Paz
pfs Private Forces Soldier
plh infected prisoners - Mission 20 - Voices
prs Prisoner
ptn Hospital Patient
qui Quiet
rai Raiden
sna Snake
sva Soviet Soldier Armor (riot gear)
svs Soviet Soldier
vol Volgin (Man on Fire)
wmu WASP Mist Unit (Skulls)
wsp WASP (Skull Face)
wss WASP Soldier (XOF Soldier)
dla Naked Snake DLC Fatigues
dlb Naked Snake DLC Sneaking Suit
dlc The Boss DLC Sneaking Suit
dld Naked Snake DLC Tuxedo
dle EVA DLC Jumpsuit
dlf Event Reward Great White Swimsuit
dlg Event Reward Goblin Swimsuit
dlh Event Reward Megalodon Swimsuit
ooc FOB Ocelot

animals (chara)

code description
cns jackal variant - sole example f30150_fpk\Assets\tpp\chara\cns\Scenes\cns0_main0_def.fmdl, some animal i guess
ddg D-Dog (both grown and puppy)
hrs D-Horse
whl Whale - Flaming whale from prolog/10010
apk Rat variant
ber Bear
bor Nubian goat variant? boer goat?
btf Butterfly from PazPhantomPain4 - f30050_d8040,f30050_d8041
csm TppGoat variant
dnk Donkey?
equ Zebra variant?
got Goat?
hnb Raven variant
hgh Hedgehog - TppRat variant
jcl Jackal
kkl TppGoat variant
lyc Lycaon - TppJackal variant
nbn Nubian
mbd Eagle variant - f30150
mte Eagle variant
okp Okapi
pgn Pidgeon - f30050_d1000 f30050_d100 - QuietOnHeliInRain, NuclearEliminationCeremony
rvn Raven
rat Rat
san Small animals?
stk Stork
vlt Vulture - TppEagle variant
vpr Viper
wlf Wolf
zbr Zebra


code description
aip AI Pod
amb Ambulance
bik Bike - sole instance s10010_s06
btg Battle Gear
crg PF cargo truck - cistern, container, itembox
ctv CCTV (Surviellance Camera)
dbr Debris
feg Fire Engine - s10010_d10 - lad - fire engine ladder
fer Ferry - s10090_d03_fpk
lad Fire engine ladder (in feg path)
lbo Lifeboat (from huey cutscene f30050_d300_fpk)
mbt Main Battle Tank (Soviet tank)
mgm Walker Gear
mgs Metal Gear Sahelanthropus
nad Western/PF AA Gatling gun - PermanentGimmickGatlingGun
nbt N Battle Tank (Western/PF tank)
nfp Harrier jet - p31_030210_demo.fox2 (sole appearance), s10050_d02_fpkd
nmt Western/PF truck - empty,hood
plv PF Light Vehicle
sad Soviet AA gun emplacement - PermanentGimmickGatlingGun
sav Soviet Armored Vehicle? lav
sbh Soviet Battle Helicopter (Krokodil attack heli)
scr Soviet cargo, amu, drum, generator, material
slv Soviet Light Vehicle
smt Soviet Main Truck?
the Transport Helicopter - sahel returns to mb demo - s10151_d04_fpkd
uth Utility Helicopter (Blackfoot support heli)
wav Wheeled Armored Vehicle (PF/Western)
whc Wheelchair


code description
alm FOB theft Alarm.
bfg Burial flag - DDog flag in military burial triangle, sole use s10240_d03_fpk
bin Binoculars
bok Book
cak Cake - p51_010270_000_demo.fox2.xml:
cbd Clipboard
cbx Cardboard Box/supply box
cct Cassette Tape
cfb Paz’s bomb
cft Liquid’s conch shell
cig Cigar
cnt Canteen
cof Coffin
cpd Container Pod? Wolbachia containment device
cpr Medical scissors
dng D-Horse Dung
dnm Wind up electric generator, used in torture scenes
dia Diamond
dra Drug pills - dra0_main0_def, dra0_caps0_def
evb ? unkown - f30050_d090_fpk
ewr Eyewear (Designer glasses)
ful Fulton
gls Glasses
gog Goggles
hcf Handcuffs
hor Pole (medical) (in oma path)
ibo Item box (ammo etc)
idr iDroid
ifb Information Box - mission start box
ivd Intravenous drip
lig Handy Light
mds Medical Spray ‘curespray’
msk Mask (Chicken Hat)
msx MSX Computer
nkl pole for hanging medical stuff
oci Oxygen cylinder (in oma path)
oma Oxygen mask
pas Passport
pcp Personal Cassette Player (Walkman)
pic Picking tool
pik Memento Picture
pip pippete medical thing
pra Parachute
psi Phantom Cigar
pst medical tweezers
put Put/placed weapon (c4,decoy,mines etc)
rdi Radio
srd Soviet Radio
tab Cigarette Tab (cigarette case)
tel Telescope
thm Thermal Goggles (NVGs)
thr Thrown (bait, grenades etc)
zip Zippo lighter


code description
amo Ammo
asr Assault Rifle
bar Barrel
bul Bullet
bld Blade - knife, machete
flt Flashlight
grl Grenade Launcher
grp Foregrip
hag Handgun
hew Heavy weapon? Mortars, mounted machine guns, etc
lsr Mounted laser
mag Machine Gun
mis Missile
mzl Muzzle
shg Shotgun
sit Scope
shl Shell - cannon shell
sld Shield
smg Submachinegun
snr Sniper Rifle
stk Stock
syr Syringe
sup Suppressor
xry X-Ray


code description
chf Chaff?


code description
cypr_ship001 trawler /
cypr_ship002 small fishing/pilot
cypr_ship003 container ship
mtbs_pstr001 Post-mission 30 Motherbase posters
mtbs_pstr002 Huey’s Battlegear schematics poster

Item types with unknown codes


machinegun emplacent (assuming gatlinggun above is AA)

power generator


satelite dish

aa radar

cargo container



code description    
dar DARPA Chief - e20060_area_fpkd    
bkr President Baker    
gns Genome Soldier    
psy MGS1 Psycho Mantis    
uss US Marines Soldier    
chi Chico    
dct MSF Medic    
dds MSF Soldier    
kaz Kazuhira Miller    
nin Ninja    
olm X-ray effect bino body    
paz Paz    
prs Prisoner    
rai Raiden    
sna Snake    
wsp Skull Face    
dog Guard Dog (sole use - e20010_d01)    


code description locationId
afgh Northern Kabul, Afghanistan 10
ssd_afgh Northern Kabul, Afghanistan (Metal Gear Survive) 15
aftr Northern Kabul, Afghanistan (Metal Gear Survive, “After?” .fstb is only afgh_base2) 16
ssd_afgh2 Northern Kabul, Afghanistan (Metal Gear Survive, afgh2.fpk is seemingly removed) 17
sbri Unknown, barely exists outside of scripts (Survive Bridge?) 18
spfc Abandoned Airport (Survive PF Camp) 19
mafr Angola-Zaire Border Region, Central Africa (Middle Africa) 20
ssav Forsaken Ruins (Survive Savannah) 25
cypr Dhekelia SBA Memorial Hospital, Cyprus 30
dlct “Ending” (GZ start.lua, in title_datas.fpk) 38
dlct “Title” (GZ start.lua, title screen, in title_datas.fpk, datasets named dlct_) 39
gntn U.S. Naval Prison Facility, Cuba (Guantanamo) 40
ombs Old Mother Base 45
ssd_ombs Old Mother Base (Metal Gear Survive) 47
mtbs Mother Base, Seychelles Waters 50
mbqf Mother Base Quarantine Facility (Interior) 55
hlsp Helispace (TppDefine.lua, original ACC location, removed) 60
flyk Kingdom of the Flies (TppDefine.lua, removed) 70
sand_afgh Developer Sandbox - Afghanistan (TppDefine.lua, removed) 91
sand_mafr Developer Sandbox - Middle Africa (TppDefine.lua, removed) 92
sand_mtbs Developer Sandbox - Mother Base (TppDefine.lua, removed) 95
afc0 Jade Forest (MGO) 101
afn0 Red Fortress (MGO) 102
afda Gray Rampart (MGO) 103
afc1 Amber Station (MGO) 104
cuba Black Site (MGO) 105
mba0 Coral Complex (MGO) 111
sva0 Azure Mountain (MGO) 112
rma0 Rust Palace (MGO) 113
mba1 Coral Complex (MGO, unused variation with command platform, no sea) 114
mba2 Coral Complex (MGO, unused variation, untextured bridges) 115
mba3 Coral Complex (MGO, only mention is level_asset/config/TppMissionList.lua) 116
afnt Unknown (MGO, only mention is level_asset/config/TppMissionList.lua) 149
js_test_4x4 Some sort of test level (MGO, only mention is TppMissionList.lua) 150
store Empty “store_in_freeplay” location (MGO) 200

SSD (Metal Gear Survive)


code description
arm Arm slot equipment
base Avatar dummy that shows off emotes that you have to pay for, also avatar base
body Body slot equipment
boss Sub-bosses - Big Mouth (gluttony) and Frostbite (aerial)
boy Chris
chest_rig Chest rig slot equipment
dmc Dummy character?
eng Dan
glasses Eyewear for head equipment slot (Currently just the eyepatch)
gnt Goodluck
hats Hats for head equipment slot (MGO hats)
head Head slot equipment
insect Crawler (spider), Grabber (mimic), Watcher (sirencamera)
kaiju Lord of Dust
leg Pants slot equipment
mbs Old Mother Base-related characters (including Seth and his Wanderer form)
mlt Reeve
npc Non-Playable Characters - Distress Call quest targets and opening cutscene characters
nrs Miranda
plc Nicholas
tank The oxygen tank for the player character
up_armor Upper armor for the body slot equipment
zmb Wanderers


Note: Both of ray and shh’s textures don’t seem to be in the mecha folder, but their fmdls are.

code description
aut TBA
dnw Archaea Blade Trap
ftp Teleporter
lbo A boat?
mgs Metal Gear Sahelanthropus
pup Skill Trainer
ray Metal Gear RAY Support Mecha
shh Shagohod Support Mecha
whm Wormhole generator


code description
bos Japanese coffee drink BOSS™ (Product Placement)


code description
amo Ammo/Bullets
asr Assault Rifles
asw ? (contains a shotgun and handgun)
bld One-handed Weapons
bow Bows
bul Arrows
hag Handguns
put Placeables
shg Shotguns
smg Submachine Guns
snr Sniper Rifles
thr Throwables