MGSV Modding Wiki

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Unsolved problems


Contents Contents:
  1. Missions
    1. iDroid mission limit
  2. Levels
    1. Navmeshes
  3. Models
    1. Levels of Detail
  4. Animations
    1. Game Animations
    2. Motion Graph
  5. Player Mechanics
    1. Dual-Wielding

While a lot of progress has been made in modding MGSV since its release, there are still some major unsolved problems and mysteries. This page should serve as an index of major outstanding problems, what’s known about them, and why they’re important.

Will try to serve this page as a check list, and update the information as necessary.


iDroid mission limit

While custom missions are possible, there is a limit to how many missions can be displayed in the iDroid. it is currently unknown if this limit exists in the exe or in a UI file.


As theorized, custom levels are possible and have been implemented thanks to CapLagRobin’s research and experimentation, it is now possible to load GNTN(Camp Omega) empty maps, and maps from MGO3.

Work is needed to improve the accessibility of custom level editing and loading.

While custom routes would allow you to place soldiers in a custom level, navmeshes are required to facilitate AI navigation of the map. This file format (.nav2, .nta) is completely unexplored.

This file format has been reversed and more information can be found on the .nav2 wiki page. Thanks to OldBanana and Ventos for their hard work and implementation!

Still, there is much work that needs to be done to make it more accessible.


Levels of Detail

It is unknown exactly how the level of detail faces are triggered in models, making it difficult to implement and nearly impossible to test LOD faces for custom models.


Game Animations

The .gani format has almost no public documentation, meaning custom animations cannot be created. The other chunks of data contained by .mtar files are also undocumented (.trk, .exchnk, .enchnk), making editing them infeasible as well.

Motion Graph

The motion graph format, which controls animation states, is completely undocumented. This limits animation editing to swapping files.

Player Mechanics


It is unknown how Ocelot’s dual-wielding mechanic is triggered, making it impossible to dual-wield the Tornadoes in mods that allow him to be used outside of FOB missions.