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Contents Contents:
  1. Usage

The entity of type DataSet is common to all .fox2 files and is mandatory if any entities are placed in the .fox2 file. It contains a list of every entity used in that particular .fox2, presumably used as a table referenced by the editor to enumerate the various objects placed therein.


Only one entity of type DataSet has ever been observed to exist in a given .fox2, and it is assumed due to the nature of this entity that only one is allowed. An entity block defining the DataSet has the following header:

<entity class="DataSet" classVersion="0" addr="0x02D7DFA0" unknown1="232" unknown2="89171">

The only header property known is addr. This header property indicates where in the .fox2 the beginning of the DataSet entity is located. unknown1 and unknown2 remain just that; their usage and importance remains a mystery.

Following the header block are three property blocks: name, dataSet, and dataList.

name follows the following convention and is usually left empty in a DataSet:

<property name="name" type="String" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">

Following name is dataSet, a property common to all Fox entities. As a DataSet entity is necessarily not contained by itself or another DataSet, this field is usually zeroed, like so:

<property name="dataSet" type="EntityHandle" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">

The value subblock is a pointer to the DataSet entity, if this entity belongs to a DataSet. Typically you may acquire the value of this field by observing the addr property in the header block of the DataSet. It should be the same for all entities in the .fox2.

Following dataSet is dataList, which is the property block that actually contains the list of entities used in a given .fox2. It has a format like the following:

<property name="dataList" type="EntityPtr" container="StringMap" arraySize="2">
  <value key="cypr_location">0x02D7E010</value>
  <value key="TexturePackLoadConditioner0000">0x0827ADC0</value>

Each value block contains one property, key, which is equivalent to the name static property of the given entity. The value itself is a pointer to that entity, given by the *addr** header block property of that given entity.

The size of the DataSet is variable, depending on the number of entries listed in dataList.