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File Formats

Categories:FilesFile Formats

Contents Contents:
  1. Unique to GZ?
  2. References

This article lists the presumed names of extensions used in MGSV, as well as some basic descriptions. The full list of up-to-date templates can be found here.

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Extension Full Name Location(count)[1] Tool Description
adm fpk(5258), gz fpk(1) Mentioned in exe in with other extensions: vpc,twss,tmss,adm,tetl,tmsl, tlsp,tmsu,tmsf,twpf,cani. Related to ambient sound somehow.    
atsh Atmosphere Spherical Harmonics fpk(1), gz fpk(9) Defines ambient sky lighting, or more specifically, it defines the bounce lighting from the sky. reference in: resident_common_sky.fox2  
bnk Wwise SoundBank data1(1), sbp(214) Ravioli Game Tools Soundswapping for sound swaps, and to replace sounds with new ones, use this tool instead: Sound Replacement Tool
bnd Bounder (fox2) fpkd(19) gz fpkd(30) FoxTool NavxSquareGraphBounderData , on vehicles. Only used in GZ.
caar Camera Animation Archive fpk(9) Contains .cani? Likely similar to mtar for camera animations.  
cani Camera Animation gz fpk(92) Likely similar to .gani for camera animations.  
chnk mtar(251) A chunk of data with an unknown purpose belonging to an Mtar Type 2 file. Extension named by MtarTool author    
clo Cloth Configuration File (fox2) fpkd(25) FoxTool SimClothSettingData
dat QAR Archive master QAR Tool, GzsTool Main file archives Quark Archive?
dat fox file system data XML Chunk0(1), \0\00(1) Any text editor Plain XML with extension .dat. In the root of some Qar files.
dat WMV master Video  
des Destruction data (fox2) fpkd(32) FoxTool Destruction data set file.
dfrm Deformation fpk(16) Deformation data related to avatar customization.  
ends EndingSettingsFile fpk(21), gz fpk(6) UiGraphEntry rawfiles, ending settings. ending_nuke.fox2,ending_okb.fox2…  
enchnk mtar(6099) A chunk of animation at the bottom of an Mtar Type 2 file. Tied to a .gani file. Should be brought along with a swapped .gani file. Extension named by MtarTool author.    
evf EvfFile (fox2) fpkd(1), gz fpkd(45) FoxTool Event data p51_010300_000_snd_000.evf sole example for some demo. lots of prefixes in exe .ag.evf,.cc.evf,.fx.evf,.sd.evf,.vo.evf
exchnk mtar(4748) An extra chunk of animation tied to a .gani file from an Mtar Type 2 file. If the .gani file is swapped this should be brought along with it. Extension named by MtarTool author.    
fclo fpk(49) Variant/relation of cloth settings? mentioned in exe in section along with .sim,.clo    
fcnp ConnectPointFile fpk(1785) FcnpTool Defines positions on a model where meshes and effects can be attached.
fdes FoxDestruction fpk(44) Solid body data file (Binary destruction settings. Relation to.des)  
ffnt Fox Font data1(6) FfntTool  
fmdl FmdlFile fpk(14384) Fmdl Studio v2 Model, includes mesh, bone, and material data.
fmtt Material parameters data1(2) FoxKit GrTools.SetMaterialParamBinary
fnt Font fpk(7) UiFontDataElement entity, fontFile common_art.fox2,*_art.fox2 In exe section with uil,uif,uia,fnt,utxl  
fox2 DataSetFile2 fpkd(75167), gz fpkd(450) FoxTool Translated comment in pc init.lua ‘Object arrangement / property data file’
fpk Fox Package Chunks(16637) FPK Tool, GzsTool Usually contains compiled files that have no associated editing tools. Must have a matching fpkd (which may be empty)
fpkd Fox Package Data Chunks(16637) FPK Tool, GzsTool Archive that allows changes to physics or sound associations; data archive. Must have a matching fpk (which may be empty)
fpkl Fox Package Link fpk(1), gz fpk(3) Any text editor Only one instance in chunk0 col_common_tpp.fpk Seems to define required files to load.
frdv HelpBoneFile fpk(664) Related to helper bone rotations.  
frig RigFile fpk(233) gz fpk(1) FoxLib Defines bone groups for IK and animations.
frl RailFile fpk(496) Similar to routes, used for vehicle travel plans and long-range reconnaissance patrols (LRRP).  
frld RailUniqueIdFile fpkd(496) Defines hashed IDs for rails in .frl files.  
frt TppRouteSet fpk(476) FoxKit Defines AI navigation route and events.
fsd Facial Setting Data fpkd(212) FoxTool  
fsm Fox Stream Movie Chunks(235), fpk(1) FsmTool (currently only extracts sounds) Demo / Cutscene raw animation tracks and events.
fsop Fox Shader Object(?) Pack data1(4) Shader source code in HLSL format.  
fstb StageBlockFile fpk(3) Specifies fpks to load in a level and which small block indices they correspond to.  
ftdp FoxTerrainDecalPackFile fpk(732) Defines decals used by the terrain.  
ftex Fox Texture Textures, pftxs(88957), fpk(2) FtexTool  
ftexs Fox Sub-texture Textures, pftxs(89005) FtexTool Includes .1.ftexs,….6.ftexs
fv2 FormVariationFile2 fpk(2280) FvTwool Defines an appearance variation, including texture swaps and attachable meshes.
gani AnimFile mtar(7933), gz fpk(260) Generic animation file (in-game characters, environment, etc.)  
geobv GeoBoundingVolumeFile fpk(26) Level collision grid set  
geom GeoGeomFile fpk(9818) Generic collision data. Includes definition of fulton ceilings.  
geoms GeoxGeomSetFile fpk(3464) Level collision data. .geom but not specific to a model.  
gpfp GeoPathFixedPackFile fpk(2270) Player obstacle traversal arrays (climbing, jumping, taking cover, etc.)  
grxla LightArrayFile, TppLightProbeArray fpk(8880) GrxArrayTool Binary light array. They can contain either an array of light probes, or arrays of Point Lights and/or Spot Lights.
grxoc OccluderArrayFile fpk(95) GrxArrayTool Binary occluder array file. Technically a .grxla file with occluder entries.
gskl GeoGsklFile fpk(394) Rigged skeletal collision (for mechs)  
htre TerrainTileFile fpk(8305) FoxKit Terrain tile data, including heightmap, material select map, and material ID map.
json json data1(1), data_02.g0s(38) Any text editor  
lad Lip Adjust Data (fox2) gz fpkd(12) FoxTool In-game dialogue lip sync sound definition data.
ladb LadbFile fpk(241) Binary version of .lad  
las gz fpk(1) FoxTool Seems to be alias for .fox2 Other references to .las files are via entityLinks in same manner as fox2 And references to .las seem to be to equivalent named .fox2 The single GZ .las is just a .fox file.  
lba Locator Binary Array fpk(14622), gz fpk(4) FoxLib]( Location data used to place gimmicks.
lng LangFile fpkd(64) LangTool Localized text mostly used for UI.Usage. Tpp Includes language prefix (ex .eng.lng), GZ suffix (.lng#eng) eng,fre,ger,ita,jpn,por,rus,spa (GZ deu instead of ger) Files typically located under “Assets pp\pack\ui\lang”.
lng2 Language 2 fpk(240) LangTool See lng table entry.
lpsh Light Probe Spherical Harmonics fpk(8245) Ambient light data encoded into second-order spherical harmonics.  
ls Lip Sync .sab, .stp Lip sync track file. In the .sab for embedded sounds, in the .stp for streamed sounds in TPP, only in the .sab in GZ for all sounds. The .sab version is slightly different.  
lua Lua data1(120), fpkd(1081) Any text editor Open source scripting language used by the game. For more info check the Lua documentation page.
mbl Mother Base Layout fpk(47) Layout of the UI iDroid map of Mother Base.  
mog MotionGraphFile fpk(184) Motion graph Handles animation states and blending  
mtar Motion Archive fpk(910), gz fpk(18) MtarTool Contains .gani,.chnk,.enchnk,.exchnk,.trk (All extensions except for .gani named by MtarTool author).
mtard Motion Archive Data? fpk(16)    
nav2 NavNavigationFile fpk(1634) Nav2Parser NavxNavBlock entity, filePath .1.nav2 (exe)
nta NavTacticalAction fpk(163) Navigation related. Indicates points and actions of traversal, such as ladders and steps. Used by NPCs. In exe section with classes or entities with Navigation in name.  
obr Object Brush fpk(18) Positions for grass, shrubs, pebbles, and other miscellaneous terrain decorations.  
obrb Object Brush Block fpk(8192) Positions for grass, shrubs, pebbles, and other miscellaneous terrain tile decorations.  
parts Model Description data (fox2) fpkd(3784) FoxTool Character, gimmick, mecha, item etc. model and additional file assembler
pcsp PrecomputeSkyFile fpk(1) FoxKit Related to TppAtmosphere entity, reference in: resident_common_sky.fox2 Contains look-up table of precomputed atmospheric scattering coefficients.
pftxs Packed Fox Textures Chunks(3068) GzsTool Contains .ftex,ftexs Must match an fpk (but not all fpks have pftxs)
ph Physics fpkd(609) FoxTool Physics hitbox definition data.
phsd Physics Sound Data fpkd(591) FoxTool Physics sound definition data.
rdf Radio Data File fpk(199) RdfTool Defines real-time support radio dialogue data. (“Subject onboard”)
sab Sound Additional Binaries? sbp(39) StpTool In GZ, has .st (subtitle id string) and .ls (lip sync) files for both embedded and streamed voice clips. In TPP. has .ls files for embedded voice clips only.
sand SandFile fpk(223) Stream animation node data. Assigns tracks from .fsm Fox Stream Movie to bones and objects in a node tree.  
sani Stream Animation fpk(1), data_02.g0s(4) gz fpk(38) FsmTool (currently only divides into chunks) GZ includes .sani#eng,.sani#jpn .fsm-alias, in GZ used for subtitle timing.
sbp Sound Bank Package Chunks(212) GzsTool Contains .bnk,.sab,.stp
sdf SoundDataFile (fox2) fpkd(484) FoxTool DataSet that loads .sbp soundbanks.
sim SimBinaryFile fpkd(493) FoxTool Simulation physics data
spch TppSpeechFile fpk(46) SpchTool Defines in-game world scriptable gameobject dialogue. (Enemy conversations, prisoner monolgues, etc.)
st SubTitle .sab(GZ only) Contains the subtitle id string for the sound file with the embedded string that matches the hash of the .st file name.  
stp Streamed Package sbp(187) StpTool Contains the streamed audio files for the soundbank. In TPP, .wem sound files are also paired with newer versions of .ls files from .sab.
subp SubtitlesPackageFile data1(489), fpk(89) SubpTool Defines subtitle data.
tcvp CoverPointFile fpk(232) TcvpTool TppCoverPointFileTransform entity on MB, defines positions of cover points. DataSet equivalent entity is TppCoverPoint.
tgt Target fpkd(2151) FoxTool Defines hitboxes for characters and props .parts.
trap GeoTrapFile fpk(617) TrapTool Level trigger definition file. Includes camera modes, death zones and mission area boundaries.
tre2 TerrainFile fpk(3) Low-resolution LOD data for a level’s terrain.  
trk Animation Track mtar(251) Description of all main animation tracks for an Mtar Type 2 file. Extension named by MtarTool author  
twpf ParametersFile fpk(5) TppLocationData entity, weatherParametersFile  
uia UiAnimFile fpk(3755), gz fpk(1813) UI model asset image transition data?  
uif UiFile fpk(1979) gzfpk(600) UI model asset base image?  
uigb UiGraphFile fpk(289) UI graph asset?  
uilb UiLayoutFile fpk(1904) Based on vehicle .fox2 DataSet entries.[2]  
veh Vehicle fpkd(87) FoxTool  
vfx FxVfxFile fpkd(6378) VfxTool Visual effect graph.
vfxlb fpkd(133) FxLocatorArrayData entity, vfxlbFile lba for vfx?    
vfxlf VFX Lens Flare (fox2) fpkd(846)    
wem Wwise Encoded Media Chunks(255)    

Unique to GZ?

Extension Full Name Location(count) Tool Description
fagx Motion graph / layer definition file (fox) gz fpks(1) GZ RegisterPackageExtensionInfo  
fdmg (fox) gz fpkd(2) GZ only, Damage related  
fova Form Variation gz fpk(110) GZ, superceded in TPP by fv2  
fox data_02.g0s(3) Any text editor XML, GZ only, superceded in TPP by fox2  
g0s Qar Archive Gz format data_01.g0s, data_02.g0s files GzsTool 0.2  
g0s WMV data_00.g0s file    
lani LaniFile gz fpk(456) Lip animation Reference in init.lua RegisterPackageExtensionInfo Reference in .lad files  
tlsp gz fpk(2) GZ    
tmsp gz fpk(2) GZ    
tmsf gz fpk(1) GZ    
tmsl gz fpk(1) GZ    
tmsu gz fpk(1) GZ    
vdp Vehicle Driving Parameter gz fpkd(20) FoxTool GZ
vfxdb gz fpk(30) GZ, .vfx class database?    
vpc data_02.g0s(3) GZ    
ag exe ag.evf      
aia exe      
aib AI behavior / definition file Reference in init.lua RegisterPackageExtensionInfo Translated from comment in PT init.lua    
aibc AI behavior category file Reference in init.lua RegisterPackageExtensionInfo Translated from comment in PT init.lua    
aig exe      
aigc exe      
aim exe AimCamera?      
aip exe      
ait exe      
cc exe cc.evf      
col RegisterExtensionInfo
csnav exe      
demo Editor format? RegisterExtensionInfo
demox RegisterExtensionInfo categories={“Target”}      
dnav exe      
dnav2 exe      
ese exe      
evb RegisterExtensionInfo
categories={“Target”} RegisterPackageExtensionInfo
fag RegisterPackageExtensionInfo      
fage Motion graph / graph piece file RegisterPackageExtensionInfo Translated from comment in PT init.lua    
fago Motion Chart RegisterPackageExtensionInfo Translated from comment in PT init.lua    
fagp Motion graph / route graph file exe Translated from comment in PT init.lua    
fcnpx Parts Builder · Extended Connect Point File EditableBlockPackage. RegisterPackageExtensionInfo Translated from comment in PT init.lua    
fmdlb RegisterExtensionInfo
fox_export exe      
fsml Reference in init.lua RegisterPackageExtensionInfo      
fx exe fx.evf      
fxp Fox Project Fox Editor    
info RegisterExtensionInfo
path exe      
mas SetLanguageGroupExtention{

mtl exe      
nav RegisterExtensionInfo
phep exe      
qar exe      
rbs exe      
rdb exe      
rnav exe      
sad SetLanguageGroupExtention{

sd exe sd.evf      
sh exe (but no in alphabetical with the others in the section)      
simep exe      
snav exe      
stm SetLanguageGroupExtention{

sub exe      
tetl RegisterExtensionInfo      
tmss RegisterExtensionInfo      
trmtl exe, near TerrainRender      
txt exe      
uig UI Graph EditableBlockPackage. RegisterPackageExtensionInfo    
uil UI Layout EditableBlockPackage. RegisterPackageExtensionInfo    
utxl exe next to uil,uif,uia,fnt      
vfxbin exe FxVfxBinaryFile      
vnav exe      
vo exe vo.evf      
xml Extensible Markup Language Any text editor This is may appear to not be used anywhere in the game files, but is listed in the .exe and the fox2 files are just compiled XML files.[4]  


  1. Counts for archives like fpks contains duplicates. Counts only include files from \master, not master\0,\1 Counts for formats common to both TPP and GZ only added where ineresting (GZ only formats complete counts)
  2. Source: chunk1.dat/Assets/tpp/pack/vehicle/veh_rl_east_wav.fpkd/Assets/tpp/level_asset/vehicle/veh_rl_east_wav.fox2

     <entity class="UiGraphEntry" classVersion="1" addr="0x073F06A0" unknown1="96" unknown2="3058">
         <property name="name" type="String" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
         <property name="dataSet" type="EntityHandle" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
         <property name="files" type="FilePtr" container="DynamicArray" />
         <property name="rawFiles" type="FilePtr" container="DynamicArray" arraySize="3">
       <dynamicProperties />
  3. File types from GZ (to be split further) or referenced in exe or lua but not yet found/extracted as seperate files.