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Categories:File FormatsSound

Contents Contents:
  1. Header
  2. Label entry definition
    1. Voice clip entry
  3. SpchTool Usage
  4. Voice type dictionary
  5. Animation act dictionary

SPCH, or Speech Data, is a format used in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain to make in-game characters speak specified voice clips, either in enemy soldier conversations, prisoner carrying monologues or unique story characters’ monologues. It functions when called by commands CallVoice, CallMonologue, CallRadio, CallConversation or other with a label, making the specified in-game character play a voice clip, with an option for the character to play unique animations while doing so. The format is Little-Endian, meaning bytes are written in reverse order of significance.

These files can be decompiled and compiled with SpchTool into XML files.

0x00-0x03 - "spch" 0x04-0x05 - Padding 0x06-0x07 - (uint16) Amount of labels in the file 0x08-0x0F - Padding - 0x07 bytes of padding per label.

Label entry definition

0x00-0x03 - (uint32) StrCode32 hash of the label's name 0x04-0x07 - (uint32) FNV132 hash of the Voice Event name from the soundbanks 0x08 - (uint8) Number of voice clip entries in this label 0x09 - 0x0B - Padding

The Voice Event name hashes can be found inside the HIRC sections of .sbp soundbank files, separated into HIRC.dat if extracted by SecaProject’s SBP_Tool. The Voice Event is always followed up by 0x6402, and the Voice Ids used in the label are usually from the same list specified here. Sometimes, the Voice Event in the label entry definition is null, specifically in CpRadioSeqCommon.spch.

Voice clip entry

0x00-0x03 - (uint32) StrCode32 of the speaker's voice type 0x04-0x07 - (uint32) FNV132 hash of the Voice Id from the .sbp soundbanks  0x08-0x0B - (uint32) StrCode32 hash of animation act 0x0C-0x0F - Padding? 0x10-0x13 - (float) Pause before the next voice clip is played, in seconds

As previously mentioned, the Voice Id can be found in a list in the HIRC sections of .sbp soundbank files, after the label entry definition’s Voice Event. The entries in the list are separated with 0x32006400. The first four bytes of the entry are the Voice Id, and the other is HIRC object name to another much earlier object where .wem sound file names (as extracted by SecaProject’s SBP_Tool) are usually listed twice in a row, of course, in Little-Endian, twelve bytes after the link mentioned in the Voice Ids, however this manual method of locating sound files’ Voice Ids doesn’t always apply.

Animation act ids for each entity are listed in Metal Gear Solid V’s .exe, as Little-Endian StrCode32 hashes.

SpchTool Usage

With SpchTool, it’s possible to edit .spch files by decompiling them into simpler XML documents and compiling them back. However, values from .sbp soundbanks still have to be acquired manually.

Decompiled label entries are represented like this:

  <label labelName="CT10041_03c" sbpListId="3445964925">
    <voiceClip voiceType="ene_a" sbpVoiceClipId="585221331" animationAct="0" beforePause="0" afterPause="0" />
    <voiceClip voiceType="ene_a" sbpVoiceClipId="585221330" animationAct="0" beforePause="0" afterPause="0" />
    <voiceClip voiceType="ene_c" sbpVoiceClipId="585221341" animationAct="0" beforePause="0" afterPause="0" />
    <voiceClip voiceType="ene_a" sbpVoiceClipId="585221340" animationAct="0" beforePause="0" afterPause="0" />
    <voiceClip voiceType="ene_a" sbpVoiceClipId="568443746" animationAct="0" beforePause="0" afterPause="0" />

The labelName are be used by Lua Commands RequestRadio, CallRadio, CallMonologue and CallConversation, and with some cases like CP radio conversations, by the .exe. Sometimes they’re hashed in StrCode32. The sbpListId FNV132 hash can be found in .sbp files’ HIRC section. You can divide .sbp into .wem files and data sections with SecaProject’s SBP_Tool. From there, you’ll need to find the hash in hexadecimal Little-Endian format on top of arrays at the bottom of the HIRC section, and they’re usually followed up by the bytes 64 02. In CpRadioSeqCommon.spch, this is not specified, as the voiceType is not specified either.

The voiceClip entries will all be played in order, and the soldier first listed will begin the conversation, the second one will be the “friend” specified by CallConversation, and any more will be the third parties in given order. The voiceType will specify which voice the soldier should use, however CpRadioSeqCommon.spch only specifies soldiers as enemy to make it open to what voiceType should be used based on what the soldier’s voiceType already is. The sbpVoiceClipId FNV132 hash can be found in the .sbp files’ HIRC section, in the arrays at the end, which area headed by the sbpListId used in the label, and there they are paired with values that can also be found in a much earlier section in the HIRC section with eight bytes after them, names of the .wem sound files written twice in a row. However, this doesn’t always apply. The animationAct is the name or hash of the animation the speaker will play

  • there’s descriptions and names of them later down this page. The afterPause is a float value representing how many seconds long the pause between the end of the current voiceClip and the start of the next one will be. The beforePause value is never used in-game, and it might possibly not be the inverse of afterPause.

Voice type dictionary

This is a list of some voice types that can be used by SPCH files.

Little-Endian StrCode32 hash Description Unhashed String
B0 1A C1 B1 Ishmael Ishmael
9A 80 67 BC Ocelot ocelot
86 2B 2D 96 Miller miller
1E FA 8B 4C Paz paz
19 D4 CC 09 Code Talker codetalker
9B DE 82 52 Skull Face skullface
93 85 B1 BF Huey huey
2B 29 F3 BF POW(English)A hostage_a
8F AE 91 6C POW(English)B hostage_b
30 FA 15 20 POW(English)C hostage_c
43 1D C5 7E POW(English)D hostage_d
B4 86 C3 3E Female POW(English)A hostage_a_fml
ad a5 5f f6 Female POW(English)B hostage_b_fml
82 5c ee 9c Female POW(English)C hostage_c_fml
49 84 27 aa Female POW(English)D hostage_d_fml
9C AF 9F BA POW(Russian)A hostage_a_ru
1b 0f 29 07 POW(Russian)B hostage_b_ru
15 ed 0c fb POW(Afrikaans)A hostage_a_af
c8 03 91 07 POW(Afrikaans)B hostage_b_af
B1 F0 DA 7A POW(Pashto)A hostage_a_ps
91 5b 16 d7 POW(Pashto)B hostage_b_ps
7e c4 8c f1 POW(Kikongo)A hostage_a_kg
C9 B1 C9 8D POW(Kikongo)B hostage_b_kg
2C 8A F4 DA Enemy A (Language is autoassigned if applicable) ene_a
83 A1 C2 77 Enemy B (Language is autoassigned if applicable) ene_b
88 BA D9 43 Enemy C (Language is autoassigned if applicable) ene_c
D8 66 AC 61 Enemy D (Language is autoassigned if applicable) ene_d
EC EF 8C D5 Female DD Soldier A ene_a_fml
52 9D 43 5C Female DD Soldier B ene_b_fml
36 64 CB 9C Female DD Soldier C ene_c_fml
8b 51 eb a9 Female DD Soldier D ene_d_fml
8D 3C A9 B8 Child Soldier A chsol_a
52 9D 43 5C Child Soldier B chsol_b
36 64 CB 9C Child Soldier C chsol_c
68 7F 0D 37 Child Soldier D chsol_d
57 BF 86 8E Enemy (Voice and language are autoassigned if applicable) enemy
9D FB 79 DB CP (Language is autoassigned if applicable) cp
95 3B C4 B0 HQ (Language is autoassigned if applicable) hq

Animation act dictionary

This is a list of some animation act ids that can be used by SPCH files.

StrCode32 Hash as int Description Unhashed String
104983832 None None
2653120201 Saluting Salute
19913283 Looking at watch Watch
3471431647 Wiping face Sweat
3935815178 Yawn Yawn
1484142220 Sneeze (not used in vanilla .spch files) Sneezing
1081954141 Foot step (looking at feet while stepping in place a bit) TBA
1004728074 Cough (not used in vanilla .spch files) Coughing
3632669033 Scratch head ScratchHead
4066632199 Repositioning self by about half a meter and back, to the left TBA
1351632722 Repositioning self by about half a meter and back, to the right TBA
1606603300 Wiping brow/eyes (sandstorm reaction?) TBA
1017266580 TBA TBA
1350228116 Pointing TBA
508960638 TBA TBA
3575825406 Point away, to the left GiveWarning
1421134289 Aggressive nodding, agreeing TBA
828605126 Spooked by something to the left TBA
2975103228 Spooked by something to the right TBA
213441558 Directing someone with left arm palm and wide gesture, to the left TBA
544521629 Saying hi to someone to the right, with right hand TBA
1873952626 Telling the other to come closer, wide gesture, left arm TBA
1715719024 TBA TBA
1081228083 “Get up” motion TBA
2834988863 Telling the other to come closer, close and shorter gesture, left arm TBA
1334263530 Walks around the other, from the right, kicking the spoken to prisoner in the back TBA
584751270 Hitting the kneeling prisoner with the barrel of gun, then looks down at him TBA
3434724606 Hitting with barrel of rifle, prisoner standing on knees reacts AttackToHead
3982806036 Greeting with left hand raised up in the air Greeting
2573116818 Frustrated “damn!” fist motion, caution-y TBA
3249773322 Caution looking around TBA
393714603 Caution looking around, more exaggerated body movement, left and right TBA
911835617 Moving curtain (not used in vanilla .spch files) CurtainIn
500855846 Moving curtain (not used in vanilla .spch files) CurtainOut
3672734274 Cautiony, looking behind and aggresively waving to people behind him TBA
1155425596 Repositioning self, much more relaxed and tamer TBA
2267025732 Relaxed, resting gun on neck Relax
767686818 Reacting to rain (not used in vanilla .spch files) NoticeRain
2857040360 Looking at comrade hanging by fulton balloon (not used in vanilla .spch files) DiscoveryFultonRecovered
2643791617 Aggressively kicking the ground, relaxed otherwise TBA
2114182719 Spinning left arm like a windmill (Part of the LookWatch cycle for child soldiers) TBA
859906857 TBA (not used in vanilla .spch files) Surprise
3029125695 TBA TBA
2357847038 TBA TBA
3628252758 Ocelot animation ocelot_a
3655687608 Ocelot animation (not used in vanilla .spch files) ocelot_aa
779601008 Ocelot animation ocelot_b
2931446809 Ocelot animation ocelot_c
631594499 Ocelot takes something from the other character and disarms it. ocelot_cqc
3879139826 Ocelot animation ocelot_d
1994854644 Ocelot animation ocelot_e
3541609199 Ocelot animation ocelot_f
2289914935 Ocelot animation ocelot_g
3574747766 Ocelot waves goodbye to leaving helicopter (not used in vanilla .spch, but used by lua) ocelot_go_heli
3423893682 Ocelot animation (not used in vanilla .spch) ocelot_h