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The pre-rendered video cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain are stored as .WMV (Windows Media Video) files, with the extension changed to .dat. Their names are PathCode64 hashes (with extension) of their actual paths, which are formatted as:


The videoName can be any string, and in The Phantom Pain’s case, the five base game’s names are as follows. As for the [targetSuffix], it changes depending on the voice version of the game - English (_en) and Japanese (_jp). The targetSuffix is assigned in Lua’s TppMovie library, and therefore can be skipped if calling the TppVideoPlayer functions directly. The subtitle track is seemingly hardcoded in the .exe.

videoName Description English File Name Japanese File Name
p21_030010_movie Movie after Cyprus e2f9a1fda590d087.dat e2f861abe2e17760.dat
p31_010055_movie Movie after Miller Rescue e2fbebbd66f86086.dat e2f867210cb635ca.dat
p31_050100_movie Chapter 2 Preview Movie e2f8e499bc8f3606.dat e2fb01787df277e4.dat
p51_020030_01movie Nuclear Development e2faa449a7e0781d.dat e2fb41f633494d0c.dat
p51_020030_02movie Nuclear Disarmament e2fb02c35da41a21.dat e2f986b5fa138174.dat

So the resulting path would be something like this:

/Assets/tpp/movie/Win/p21_030010_movie_en.wmv (e2f9a1fda590d087.dat)

The .dat files’ names are listed in chunk0.dat’s foxfs.dat, in the safiles entry, converted to decimal.

English .foxfs.dat:

   <file code="16355565633005451293"/>
   <file code="16355073395740587526"/>
   <file code="16355925670434988166"/>
   <file code="16355669509839002145"/>
   <file code="16355281632549195911"/>

Japanese .foxfs.dat:

    <file code="16355251637915451764"/>
    <file code="16355738997404290316"/>
    <file code="16355668088746833892"/>
    <file code="16354929437669685088"/>
    <file code="16354935438440805834"/>

In-game, the movies are loaded by a .fox2 DataSet entity of the VideoPlayerMemoryBlock class, using the aforementioned [videoName].

<entity class="VideoPlayerMemoryBlock" classVersion="0" addr="0x06A9E9B0" unknown1="84" unknown2="198117">
    <property name="name" type="String" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
    <property name="dataSet" type="EntityHandle" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
    <property name="identify" type="String" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
    <property name="videoFormat" type="String" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
    <property name="videoWidth" type="uint32" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
    <property name="videoHeight" type="uint32" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
    <property name="videoAllocateSize" type="uint32" container="StaticArray" arraySize="1">
    <dynamicProperties />

And in .lua, they’re played with a TppMovie.Play function.

    videoName = [videoName],
    subtitleName = "string",
    memoryPool = [videoName],
    isLoop = false,
    onStart = function() end,
    onEnd = function() end,
  • videoName: Required. Actually specifies the movie to play.
  • memoryPool: Optional. Also uses the same string as videoName, but not sure what it actually does.
  • subtitleName: Does not seem to work. Subtitle id seems to be hardcoded in the .exe.
  • isLoop: Optional. Bool. Seemingly unused in TPP’s TppMovie.Play, but may still be usable in a direct call of TppVideoPlayer.LoadVideo.
  • onStart: Optional. This function will be executed when the movie starts playing.
  • onEnd: Optional. The function will be executed when the movie finishes playing, whether it’s skipped or not.

Alternatively, you can directly call TppVideoPlayer, just like how TppMovie.Play does, with the isLoop flag, but without any fancy onStart or onEnd callbacks or status changes and such.

local movie=TppVideoPlayer.LoadVideo{
if not movie then
  • videoName: Required. Specifies the movie to play. Lua’s TppMovie adds the targetSuffix here, but calling it directly doesn’t require that.
  • subTitleName: Does not seem to work. Subtitle id seems to be hardcoded in the .exe.
  • memoryPool: Optional. Also uses the same string as videoName, but not sure what it actually does.
  • isLoop: Optional. Bool. Never used in TPP, but used in Survive for the title screen.
  • onStart: Optional. This function will be executed when the movie starts playing.
  • onEnd: Optional. The function will be executed when the movie finishes playing, whether it’s skipped or not.