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  1. PFTXS (Packed Fox Textures)

PFTXS (Packed Fox Textures)

.PFTXS files are just archives of .FTEXs files associated with a matching name .fpk archive to enable faster loading of textures.

I.E reinforce_veh_west_tnk_a.fpk and its associated reinforce_veh_west_tnk_a.pftxs for a tank.

Interesting things to note about this file is that the FOX engine will first search the PFTXS for any texture files referenced by models in the FPK, and then start searching the rest of the MGSV .dat files if it cannot find textures inside the PFTXS.

At time of writing, Snakebite 0.9.16 still cannot pack and unpack individually changed texture files inside of PFTXS files, and will instead overwrite the .pftxs file in its entirety. This means if a couple of edited texture files have to be put into multiple different PFTXS files, it can be economical (or necessary, see below) to delete them from the PTXS and place them as loose textures in the “Assets/” folder hierarchy. Then upload both the loose textures along with the edited (and smaller) PFTXS files

This reduces the file size and need to send several 20MB+ PFTXS files with mods to users, but at the cost of slightly slower load times for the textures.

N.B One thing to watch out for is the file size of PFTXS must be 30MB or under. Otherwise the FOX engine will start hanging or infinitely loading when it tries to load textures from the PFTXS files.

Modding tools:

It’s highly recommended to use File Monolith to unpack all the PFTXS files.

AutoPFTXStool can be used for packing and unpacking individual PFTXS files if need be.