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Categories:File FormatsUI

Contents Contents:
  1. Overview
    1. UiEventNode subclasses
    2. UiActionNode subclasses
    3. UiOperationNode subclasses
  2. Format
    1. Header

The .uigb format is a binary file format used in Fox Engine to store a UiGraph, which encapsulates and manages a set of user interface assets. The format is still not fully reverse engineered.


A UiGraph is a node graph format which contains five main types of nodes:

  • UiPageNode
  • UiPhaseNode
  • UiEventNode
  • UiActionNode
  • UiOperationNode

In addition to containing nodes and edges, a UiGraph can reference external files such as .uilb (layout) files, .uia (animation) files, and even other .uigb files.

One of the primary challenges of understanding the format is the large number of hashes it uses. In addition to each node class name being hashed, properties are referenced by hash and often have hash values. While some have been uncovered, many still remain a mystery, making understanding what a given property does, much less its owning node class, a challenge.

There is also a large number of subclasses of the basic node types. Here are the ones which have currently been discovered.

UiEventNode subclasses

Hash Name Found in Description
387457081 UiEvTriggerNode scrollbar.uigb  
4056320095 EvControlSubtitlesNode    
1132904100 UiEvScriptNode map.uigb  
4086693208 UiEvTimerNode    
3328748391 UiEvSelectNode    
3163851170 UiEvControllerNode    
2794031067 HeadMarkMarkerEvCallNode headmark_marker.uigb  
3811152451 GameOverEvCallNode game_over.uigb  
3289094937   mb_dvc.uigb  
4218853920   mb_dvc_menu.uigb  
2209625524   start_title.uigb  
1029062350 NoticeDirEvCallNode notice_dir.uigb  
1335296452 DamageDirEvCallNode damage_dir.uigb  
1548172620   mb_dvc_title.uigb  
3650117291   mb_dvc_title.uigb  
553707658 KeySettingEvCallNode option_key_setting.uigb  
3540561745 EulaEvCallNode eula.uigb  
822423478 TimeCigaretteEvCallNode time_cigarette.uigb  
3493125727 WalkmanEvCallNode walkman.uigb  
2490646102 DisplayTimerEvCallNode display_timer.uigb  
1402779846 PopupEvCallNode popup.uigb  
3419581678 SaveLoadEvCallNode saveload_ingame.uigb  
1570974952 CqcIconEvCallNode cqc_action_icon.uigb  
2064477394 ActionIconEvCallNode action_icon.uigb  
3448827577 EquipCrossEvCallNode equip_cross.uig  
2755355081 WorldMarkerEvCallNode world_marker.uigb  
1080635794 TppGameOverEvCall    
3424538963 TppInstallEvCallNode    
693978763 DemoPauseEvCallNode demo_pause.uigb  
303948018   map.uigb, mb_dvc_gz_map.uigb  
359322064   demo_p31_010010_sandstorm.uigb  
2835314347 EvSubtitlesNode SubtitlesBasic.uigb  

UiActionNode subclasses

Hash Name Found in Description
4161305626 UiActDisplayNode demo_provisional.uigb  
3936517678 UiActScriptNode tilelist.uigb, tab.uigb  
3355990556 UiActAnimationNode tabcursor.uigb  
762754712 UiActTextureNode tabcursor.uigb, tab.uigb  
1212229654 UiActTransformNode SubtitlesBasic.uigb  
3526460790 UiActColorNode    
2481144418 UiActFadeSceneNode    
1618112073 UiActPageChangeNode demo_pause.uigb  
1516971955 UiActPhaseChangeNode foxengine_logo.uigb  
1132903556 UiActSoundNode    
594098297 UiActSendTriggerNode    
2414984170 UiActSetTextNode SubtitlesBasic.uigb  
1655745168 UiActColorGroupNode    
1459057519 UiActPriorityNode    
460711256 UiActAddWindowNode    
2964015700 UiActConnectComponentNode demo_pause.uigb  
1363932755   tilelist.uigb  
3661971897 MbCommonPopupActNode mb_common_popup.uigb  
618710194 KeyMappingActNode option_key_mapping.uigb  
1530452003   recordtitle.uigb  
2322539195   game_pause.uigb  

UiOperationNode subclasses

Hash Name Found in Description
3048924616 UiOpeSwitchNode    
211157817 UiOpeAndNode    
3628566006 UiOpeOrNode game_over.uigb  
2414032825 UiOpeGreaterThanNode    
2688149979 UiOpePushFloatNode    
4103982738 UiOpePushTextNode    
1830337801 UiOpePushColorNode    
3471508532 UiOpePushArrayNode    
262091004 UiOpePushResourceNode    
1895623951 UiOpeCompareNode    
4260229017 UiOpeGetPropertyNode    
2630584519 UiOpeTriggerParamToStringNode    


There are two known .uigb formats: one used in GZ and one used in TPP. The GZ format has not yet been reversed, so this format specification refers exclusively to TPP.

  • 0x0 - 0x3 (string): ‘UIGB.’ Format signature.
  • 0x4 (uint8): Magic number. Always 1.
  • 0x5 (uint8): Version number. 0 in GZ and 1 in TPP.
  • 0x6 - 0x7 (uint16): Padding.
  • 0x8 - 0x9 (uint16): Number of nodes.
  • 0xA (uint8): Number of .uilb file references.
  • 0xB (uint8): Number of .uigb file references.
  • 0xC (uint8): Magic number. Always 1.
  • 0xD (uint8): Number of Section 6 entries.
  • 0xE - 0xF (uint16): Number of external files referenced.
  • 0x10 - 0x13 (uint32): Number of StrCode32 hashes in the hash table.
  • 0x14 - 0x17 (uint32): Node table offset.
  • 0x18 - 0x1B (uint32): Layout table offset.
  • 0x1C - 0x1F (uint32): Section 4 offset.
  • 0x20 - 0x23 (uint32): Unknown.
  • 0x24 - 0x27 (uint32): Section 6 offset.
  • 0x28 - 0x2B (uint32): .uilb hash table offset.
  • 0x2C - 0x2F (uint32): Number of bytes in Section 5.
  • 0x30 - 0x33 (uint32): Unknown.
  • 0x34 - 0x37 (uint32): Section 5 offset.