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Contents Contents:
  1. Header
    1. Offsets section
    2. Entry header
    3. Shape subentry - Vector Shape type
    4. Shape subentry - Box Shape type
  2. GeoTriggerTrap (.fox2 DataSet alternative)
  3. Trigger tag values and groupTags

TRAP, or GeoTrapFile, is a format used in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Metal Gear Survive to mark areas in the level that can trigger certain commands when entered, like changing the player’s camera mode, first person view when crawling in tight areas, areas where the character instantly dies, and more. The format is Little-Endian, meaning bytes are written in reverse order of significance.

0x00-0x03 - Unknown/file type name? 0x04-0x07 - Version 0x08-0x0B - File size 0x0C-0x0F - PathCode32 Hash: path to the attached .fox2 dataset

0x10-0x27 - Padding 0x28-0x2C - Unknown, always 0x1000000030 0x2D-0x2F - Padding

0x30-0x33 - File size + 0x10 bytes 0x34-0x3F - Padding

0x40-0x43 - Padding 0x44-0x47 - Amount of entries 0x48-0x4F - Padding

Offsets section

0x00-0x03 - Offset from start of the offset section to the entry

If all the entries in the offsets section don’t fill in the 0x0F line at the end, the rest is filled with padding.

Entry header

0x00-0x01 - Entry type (0x1300 for box shape, 0x1B00 for vector shape) 0x02 - Unknown, always 0x80 0x03 - Amount of shape entries (not vector points) 0x04-0x0F - Padding

0x10-0x17 - Bitfield tags 0x18-0x1B - StrCode32 hash of entry's name (entries are sorted by this hash, ascending) 0x1C-0x1F - Padding

Shape subentry - Vector Shape type

0x00-0x03 - Float, y minimum 0x04-0x07 - Float, y maximum 0x08-0x0A - Amount of vector points 0x0B-0x0F - Unknown, always 0x20

0x10-0x1F - Padding

Vector point subsubentry

0x00-0x03 - Float - X coordinate of vector point 0x04-0x07 - Float - Y coordiante of vector point 0x08-0x0A - Float - Z coordinate of vector point 0x0B-0x0F - Padding

Shape subentry - Box Shape type

0x00-0x03 - Float - X coordinate of box center 0x04-0x07 - Float - Y coordiante of box center 0x08-0x0A - Float - Z coordinate of box center 0x0B-0x0F - Float - W

0x10-0x1F - Padding

0x20-0x23 - Float - Rotation matrix, row 1 column 1 0x24-0x27 - Float - Rotation matrix, row 1 column 2 0x28-0x2A - Float - Rotation matrix, row 1 column 3 0x2B-0x2F - Float - Rotation matrix, row 1 column 4

0x30-0x33 - Float - Rotation matrix, row 2 column 1 0x34-0x37 - Float - Rotation matrix, row 2 column 2 0x38-0x3A - Float - Rotation matrix, row 2 column 3 0x3B-0x3F - Float - Rotation matrix, row 2 column 4

0x40-0x43 - Float - Rotation matrix, row 3 column 1 0x44-0x47 - Float - Rotation matrix, row 3 column 2 0x48-0x4A - Float - Rotation matrix, row 3 column 3 0x4B-0x4F - Float - Rotation matrix, row 3 column 4

0x50-0x53 - Float - X scale 0x54-0x57 - Float - Y scale 0x58-0x5A - Float - Z scale 0x5B-0x5F - Float - W scale

The scales need to be divided by 2 from visualized scales to match where they’re actually triggered in-game. 0x10 of null padding ends the list of box shape type subentries (not for vector shape types)

GeoTriggerTrap (.fox2 DataSet alternative)

Aside from binary .TRAP files, the game can also use entities of a GeoTriggerTrap class. They work very similarly to GeoTrap entities, as it uses BoxShape class entities parented to it to mark the areas it affects, but without the need of a GeoModuleCondition class entity. Unlike the binary .TRAP files, the scale of the BoxShapes parented to a GeoTriggerTrap should not be divided by two. This DataSet class of entites is mostly used in the Mother Base and the Mother Base Quarantine Facility maps. The groupTag property’s value indicates the function the GeoTriggerTrap serves. It is unknown what the stateFlag or uniqueId properties do, as the former is always 1 and the latter is always empty in every use of the GeoTriggerTrap entity class.

Trigger tag values and groupTags

This is a list of tag values used by binary .TRAP files and their corresponding groupTags of the same function used by .fox2 DataSets’ GeoTriggerTrap class entities as they are listed in mgstpp.exe, along with a description of their function, if available. If the groupTag is listed here as an endianned hash, then its string is unknown. Tag values are listed in binary .TRAP files with 0x#2 added at the end. They also seem to be able to combine multiple values into one (ex. 24 00 00 40 is a combination of NearCamera2, InRoom and NoFulton, and would execute all of those functions at once).

Binary .TRAP Tag Value DataSet groupTag Description
01 00 00 00 Intrude Forced First Person View when crawling in tight spaces.
08 00 00 00 FallDeath Kills the character that enters it with ATK_FallDeath.
02 00 00 00 Tower Indicates a Guard Tower area - if a soldier is inside it and notices a suspicious person, instead of checking it out himself, he will ask someone else to do it for him.
04 00 00 00 InRoom TBA
00 01 00 00 F7 36 8D 8C TBA
00 02 00 00 NoRainEffect Used in afgh_sovietBase_effect.fox2
00 04 00 00 C3 DC 58 9A TBA
00 08 00 00 GimmickNoFulton TBA
10 00 00 00 NearCamera1 Changes the camera mode to be closer to the player character.
20 00 00 00 NearCamera2 Changes the camera mode to be closer to the player character.
40 00 00 00 NearCamera3 Changes the camera mode to be closer to the player character.
80 00 00 00 NearCamera4 Changes the camera mode to be closer to the player character. Mostly unused in MGSV, except for Shining Lights, Even in Death, but used much more in MGO3.
00 10 00 00 innerZone Leaving this area will warn the player that they’re leaving the mission area.
00 20 00 00 outerZone Leaving this area will abort the mission, as you have fully left the mission area.
00 40 00 00 hotZone Leaving this area after achieving all important tasks in a mission will complete the mission.
00 80 00 00 83 BF DC 98 TBA
00 00 01 00 68 A0 31 E4 TBA
00 00 02 00 BC 3F ED 7E TBA
00 00 04 00 93 CB C5 21 TBA
00 00 08 00 83 6A B7 57 TBA
00 00 10 00 F8 4D 2C 07 TBA
00 00 20 00 E5 BB 6E 39 TBA
00 00 40 00 FF 4F C3 7D TBA
00 00 80 00 AE FC 4A 25 TBA
00 00 00 10 7A 0B D2 65 TBA
00 00 00 20 E3 B7 9C BA TBA
00 00 00 40 NoFulton TBA