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Formatting Reference


Contents Contents:
  1. Headings
  2. Headings - Section (h2)
    1. Headings - Lower importance (h3)
  3. General
  4. Images
  5. Lists
  6. Index lists (incl. auto-generated)
  7. Category heading
  8. Category heading
  9. Related pages
  10. Section pages
  11. Tables
  12. Infobox
  13. Spoiler elements
  14. Videos
  15. Download button
  16. Sidebar menu icons

This page serves as a reference guide for the various Markdown and customized styling/formatting possible when creating pages.

Each example first shows how it looks on the page, followed by the raw code used. Click the spoiler labels to show each section.

For how to format page metadata (title, URL, tags, redirections) when creating/editing a page, along with how to organize files check out this other guide.


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Headings - Section (h2)

Headings - Lower importance (h3)

Headings - Lower importance (h4)

## Headings - Section (h2)
### Headings - Lower importance (h3)
#### Headings - Lower importance (h4)

Note: h1 headings that use a single # are intended to be reserved for only the page title not section headings. It’s recommended to use h2 style and lower.


Most of this section will be familiar to Discord users.

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Link - internal

[Link - internal](/Meta)

Link - jump to section on same page

[Link - jump to section on same page](#tables)

Tip: if linking to another page can use eg: [Name](/Page#section) or [Name](/Page/#section) but these are easily copied via the table of contents or heading links.

Link - external

[Link - external](

Inline code

`Inline code`    
Code block:
    <file code="16355565633005451293"/>
Code block:
    <file code="16355565633005451293"/>

Tip: you can alternatively indent any line of text by four spaces and it will become a code block.

Code block with syntax highlighting:
    <file code="16355565633005451293"/>
Code block with syntax highlighting:
    <file code="16355565633005451293"/>

Note: replace xml with whatever the filetype you want highlighted. Eg: you’d use lua if the code was Lua.


> Blockquote

Blockquote with multiple lines and .important class.


<file code="16355565633005451293"/>


<file code="snafu"/>
> Blockquote with multiple lines and `.important` class.
> Correct:
> ```xml
> <file code="16355565633005451293"/>
> ```
> Incorrect:
> ```xml
> <file code="snafu"/>
> ```

Horizontal rule (dividing line):



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With custom width:


With caption and .thumb width: Caption text

![Caption text](/assets/45-0-1448484425.jpg){:.thumb}

Note: the .thumb class limits images to 50% of the page width by default, and 30% width if combined with .left or .right classes (shown in code below). It’s useful if you don’t want to define a custom width but would like a smaller image.

Aligned right and .thumb width:

![](/assets/45-0-1448484425.jpg){:.thumb .right}

Note: if you need to make an element to not flow around an aligned left/right element but instead clear past it you can add a .clear class to the element. Eg:

> Example blockquote

Aligned left and .thumb width:

![](/assets/45-0-1448484425.jpg){:.thumb .left}

Aligned center and .thumb width:

![](/assets/45-0-1448484425.jpg){:.thumb .center}

Note: by default images will be aligned center anyway, if no alignment specified.

Inline with custom width and caption:

Image one Image two

![Image one](/assets/45-0-1448484425.jpg){:.inline width="300px"} ![Image two](/assets/45-0-1448484425.jpg){:.inline width="300px"}

Inline with custom width and caption, then wrapped in .center class:

Image one Image two

![Image one](/assets/45-0-1448484425.jpg){:.inline width="300px"} ![Image two](/assets/45-0-1448484425.jpg){:.inline width="300px"}


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Unordered list with sub-items:

  • Item
    • Sub-item
  • Item
    • Sub-item
- Item
    - Sub-item
- Item
    - Sub-item

Tip: alternatively * or + can be used as unordered list characters instead of -.

Ordered list with sub-items:

  1. Item
    1. Sub-item
    2. Sub-item
  2. Item
    1. Sub-item
1. Item
    1. Sub-item
    2. Sub-item
2. Item
    1. Sub-item

Tip: if you’d like to begin an ordered list at a different starting number then prefix the list with {:start="<number>"}, like so:

  8. Item
  9. Item

Adding multi-line breaks for a single list item:

  • Item
    Second line of same list item
  • Item

    We can insert empty lines, too
- Item\
Second line of same list item
- Item\
We can insert empty lines, too

Note: such line breaks aren’t rendered correctly if the list is inside a spoiler element. Use <br/> instead of \ if inside a spoiler element.

Split style with .split class:

  • Item
    • Sub-item
  • Item
    • Sub-item
- Item
    - Sub-item
- Item
    - Sub-item

Index lists (incl. auto-generated)

These are intended for category/quasi-category pages which have related tags or are part of a section (eg: Guides, Infinite Heaven, Reference, etc).

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Unique split style with headings using .index class:

- ## Category heading
    + [Linked page]()
    + [Linked page]()
- ## Category heading
    + [Linked page]()
    + [Linked page]()

Note: the .index class automatically uses split styling without the need for an additional class.

Note: it’s also recommended for the .index lists to use h2 headings (##) since if using h3 (###) Jekyll’s table of contents list doesn’t correctly pick up on the heading directly following the list, affecting the table of contents hierarchy.

Auto-generated index for category pages:

To show all pages of a given tag we can use the index-autolist include like the following. This will fill an index list automatically.

{% include index-autolist tag="Infinite Heaven" %}

Tip: for a more discreet list size you can add a .small class to the end of the include ({% include ... %}{:.small}) to decrease the font size.

Tip: for tag indexes you can also add heading="alpha" within the Jekyll include line to change the heading of a list to ‘Alphabetical’ instead of ‘Related pages’.

Auto-generated index for multi-level section pages:

For multi-level path pages (eg: /Example_Page/Second_Level/), where we want a list of direct child pages (eg: /../../Third_Level/) the following can be used. This is particularly useful if the pages aren’t categorized by (or intentionally lack) tags.

  • Section pages

{% include index-autolist type="section" %}

Note: nothing will appear in this example list since this page doesn’t have a multi-level path with child pages. Also unlike the tag index the content of section indexes is generated by Javascript.


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First row text First row text First row text
Second row text Second row text Second row text
| First row text  | First row text  | First row text    |
| Second row text | Second row text | Second row text   |

With headings:

Heading One Heading Two Heading Three
First row text First row text First row text
| Heading One     | Heading Two     | Heading Three     |
| First row text  | First row text  | First row text    |

With aligned text:

Right-aligned Center-aligned Left-aligned
First row text. Foo bar. First row text. Foo bar. First row text. Foo bar.
| Right-aligned             | Center-aligned            | Left-aligned                |
| First row text. Foo bar.  | First row text. Foo bar.  | First row text. Foo bar.    |

Alternative compact syntax:

Default aligned Right-aligned Center-aligned Left-aligned
First row text. Foo bar. First row text. Foo bar. First row text. Foo bar. First row text. Foo bar.
| Default aligned | Right-aligned | Center-aligned | Left-aligned |
| First row text. Foo bar. | First row text. Foo bar. | First row text. Foo bar. | First row text. Foo bar. |

Adding manual line breaks:

First row text
Another line
Code example {
Another line
First row text
| First row text<br/>Another line  | `Code example {`<br/>`Another line`<br/>`}`  | First row text    |

Note: manual line breaks within table cells have to use the HTML <br/> line break. Empty new lines can be made by doubling the line breaks (<br/><br/>).


First row text First row text First row text
| First row text  | First row text  | First row text    |

Note: this class can be applied to a table to force it to expand to the page width. Keep in mind this prevents any horizontal scrollbar at narrower browser widths if there are too many table columns, so use thoughtfully.


Floating sidebar for program/tool/script information.

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Formatting Reference
  • By default the name will be detected from the page it’s included on but this can be overridden by adding a title="" attribute and value.

  • The dev, site and download values are all optional and can be removed/added as needed. Javascript will automatically detect the base domain names from provided URLs and will show them for the visible link names.

  • To add multiple names to the dev item separate each name by a comma and a space (, ). Multiple URLs can also be added to the site and download items by separating the URLs with a space (any literal spaces in a URL can be replaced with %20).

{% include infobox dev="choc, Joey" site="" download="" %}

Note: place the include line before the opening paragraphs so text properly flows around it.

Spoiler elements

We can add expandable sections that are collapsed by default, like all those on this page and the table of contents.

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It’s best to only use spoilers for secondary information that would otherwise take up too much space, or when it helps the readability of the page.


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Hey, you found me.

{% include spoiler-start %}

> Hey, you found me.

{% include spoiler-end %}

Note: always leave an empty line after the spoiler-start line.

With custom title:



  1. Item
  2. Item
{% include spoiler-start title="Example" %}

1. Item
2. Item

{% include spoiler-end %}

Tip: anything can be added between the spoiler-start and spoiler-end. Multiple lines, elements, etc.

Nested spoilers:

Outer spoiler


Some text

Inner spoiler


Some other text

{% include spoiler-start title="Outer spoiler" %}

Some text

{% include spoiler-start title="Inner spoiler" %}

Some other text

{% include spoiler-end %}
{% include spoiler-end %}

Note: nested spoilers are best avoided unless there’s a good reason for them but they’re demonstrated here to show it’s possible.

Note: spoilers within other types of elements (like within tables and list items) aren’t supported.

Note: any list within a spoiler element that has a code block (wrapped in ```) in it beginning with a < character will cause the everything past that point to render incorrectly. In such a case you can prefix a non-breaking space character (alt+255) to resolve this issue ( <).


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Native video files:

{% include video url="/assets/VideoGimmick01.webm" %}

Note: use the URL of the video for the url value. Here showing a video hosted on the wiki itself so using the root path format, like for images.

Note: video embeds are best avoided being placed within lists. It breaks the formatting of subsquent list items. Placing them around regular paragraph text is fine though.

Changing width and placement:

Similiar to the images section we can use classes to change the width/position. Here using the .thumb class to make the video smaller. We can also use .left/.right.

{% include video url="/assets/VideoGimmick01.webm" %}{:.thumb}

Note: changing size via width="" isn’t supported for videos.

Adding a caption:

Ventos' capture from the FoxKit: TppSharedGimmickData wiki page
{% include video url="/assets/VideoGimmick01.webm" caption="Ventos' capture from the FoxKit: TppSharedGimmickData wiki page" %}{:.thumb}

Youtube embeds:

{% include youtube id="pHjgbENgnvA" %}

Note: use the ID of the video for the id value.

Tip: like the native video file embeds the Youtube embeds support adding the same classes as above and also captions.

Vimeo embeds:

{% include vimeo id="123281253" %}

Note: use the ID of the video for the id value.

Tip: like the native video file embeds the Vimeo embeds support adding the same classes as above and also captions.

Download button

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You can link files like regular links however a download button is useful when you’d like to force the browser to download a file instead of displaying it (for example .txt files or images) and/or prefer a styled download link to make files more obvious on the page.


{% include download file="/assets/Chimera_Package_Table/ChimeraPartsPackageTable.lua" %}

Adding a custom name:

Custom name

{% include download file="/assets/Chimera_Package_Table/ChimeraPartsPackageTable.lua" name="Custom name" %}

For those editing the sidebar of the wiki itself these are a list of available custom icons to choose from.

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Icon Class Notes
icon-diamond Intended for home page
icon-discord For Discord links
icon-globe For generic external links
icon-nexusmods For Nexus Mods links
icon-nodes For eg: Entity Reference section
icon-package For eg: file formats
icon-youtube For Youtube links

As a full example of the classes/structure needed for a menu item in the sidebar here’s the code for single list item in an unordered list (ul) element:

        <a class="iconed icon-sidebar icon-curly-brackets" href="/Meta/Formatting_Reference">
            <span class="label">Formatting Reference</span>