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Route Set


Contents Contents:
  1. Route Sets Lua Table
    1. Parameters
    2. Shift-based grouped route sets
    3. Other

Route sets define groups of route names that will be used by the specified command post to arrange its soldiers for time and phase-based patrols, shift break routes, travel route groups, special Walker Gear parking routes and weather-dependent routes. These do not define the actual route data - that would be .frt Fox Route files, only one of which can be loaded in an .fpk pack.

This is as minimal as you can get with a custom route set: one priority route group, sneak day and night sets, and a caution set, along with an empty hold route group.

this.routeSets = {
    ms_13_34_ob = {
        priority = {
        sneak_day = {
            groupA = {
        sneak_night = {
            groupA = {
        caution = {
            groupA = {
        hold = {
            default = {},

Route Sets Lua Table



Optional boolean flag. Set to true to use common route sets from afgh_routeSets.lua or mafr_routeSets.lua. The merging is a complex process if you define more custom route set types.

    afgh_field_cp = {
        USE_COMMON_ROUTE_SETS = true,


List of shift-based route group names, listed in descending order of priority. Usually named “groupA”, “groupB”, etc., but they’re arbitrary.

    afgh_field_cp = {
        priority = {


List of shift-based route group names that are fixed, meaning the soldiers using these routes will not cross over into other route groups on shift changes. Used commonly for VIPs, snipers, and other importantly-placed soldier routes.

    afgh_field_cp = {
        fixedShiftChangeGroup = {

Shift-based grouped route sets

These route sets of groups change by shifts and phases, and are grouped with names like the ones defined above. These route sets all follow the same format:

    afgh_field_cp = {
        sneak_day = {
            groupA = {
            groupB = {

For route names that are meant to attract a soldier with a sniper rifle or a VIP, you should use a table instead of a route, with the first entry in the table being the route name, and the other, an attr string that defines whether the route should only be used by snipers or a VIP.

    mafr_lab_cp = {
        sneak_day = {
            vip = {
                { "rts_10093_d_0000", attr = "VIP" },
    afgh_remnants_cp = {
        sneak_day = {
            groupSniper = {
                { "rt_remnants_snp_0000", attr = "SNIPER" },
                { "rt_remnants_snp_0001", attr = "SNIPER" },


Sets of groups of routes used in the Sneak phase in the daytime, starting from 06:04:33.


Used in the Sneak phase in the nighttime, starting from 18:14:13. When the set sneak_midnight is not defined, which is always in the vanilla game, is also used starting from 22:00:00.


Used in the Sneak phase around midnight, starting from 22:00:00. Never used in the vanilla game, but seemingly can still be used. When it’s not defined, sneak_night overwrites it.


Used in the Caution phase. Usually all routes are stored into the first route group, leaving other route groups as empty tables.


Used for extra soldiers who don’t get a free route in other route groups on shift changes in the Sneak phase in the daytime. Usually uses an undefined default route group, but seemingly per-route group hold and sleep routes can be used. Is usually always there, even if it’s empty, as in contains an empty table of a default route group.

    afgh_field_cp = {
        hold = {
            default = {


Just like hold above, but for nighttime, and has sleep routes where soldiers sleep while sitting or lying on beds.



This route set’s route groups are fully managed by the travel plan system, they are not at all affected by priority, the fixed list, shifts or phases. The route groups expected here can be used for the reinforcements system or by simplified travel plans.


This route group that appears in guard posts (_ob) and command posts (_cp) is used by simplified travel plans. The routes in it are for soldiers smoking in a spot where the LRRP patrol stays at the CP after moving into it and before moving out of it. Usually has two different routes.

    afgh_field_cp = {
        travel = {
            lrrpHold = {

These route groups that appear in LRRP CPs (_lrrp) between the indexed CPs in its name. These usually contain two duplicate names of the same route that leads from the first indexed CP and to the other, and the soldiers driving a vehicle or walking along that route will be synchronized that way. Used by simplified travel plans. For simplified travel plans, the LRRP CP name should also be formatted in %s_%02d_%02d_lrrp, with the four letter location name at the start and the first CP index being the lesser number to the second. The indices are defined for vanilla locations in afgh_travelPlans.lua and mafr_travelPlans.lua, or in the enemy subscript’s lrrpNumberDefine and cpLink tables, which are never used in the vanilla game.

    afgh_field_cp = {
        travel = {
            lrrp_01to13 = {
            lrrp_13to01 = {

Formatted name examples would be: lrrp_01to13, lrrp_21to20.


Just like lrrp_%02dto%02d above, but used by reinforcement plans. Has four duplicate route names instead, and those route names can be the same as the two lrrp_%02dto%02d has.

    afgh_field_cp = {
        travel = {
            rp_01to13 = {
            rp_13to01 = {


A list of routes that soldiers will leave Walker Gears at when they return to the Sneak phase. These are not grouped and are just a direct list of routes for the CP, which can’t be merged into the common route set.

    afgh_sovietBase_cp = {
        walkergearpark = {


A list of routes soldiers will temporarily use when it rains or a sandstorm comes in. Usually they’re placed indoors or under a roof. These are also not grouped and are a direct list of routes, which also can’t be merged into the common route set.

    afgh_sovietBase_cp = {
        outofrain = {