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Contents Contents:
  1. The basics: PBR
  2. Texture type & purpose:
    1. Color maps, also called Albedo or Diffuse. They are labeled with the _bsm suffix.

The basics: PBR

FOX Engine uses a Physically Based Rendering shading model. Simply put, PBR is a modern rendering method that is more accurate and more predictable than previous shading models, leading to better looking materials and lighting

FOX Engine has its own implementation of PBR and therefore requires a specific workflow when making or editing textures. It is important to understand and properly apply this workflow - your textures won’t look like they should if you don’t. This guide’s purpose is to help you understand how textures are handled by FOX Engine, and how to edit/create ones yourself. While it is aimed at beginners, this guide will not cover the rudimentary basics of materials and textures creation.

Texture type & purpose:

Color maps, also called Albedo or Diffuse. They are labeled with the _bsm suffix.

Here’s an example, the _bsm map of the D114 handgun:

They’re very similar to diffuse maps from previous shading models, with one exception: you should have the least amount of pre-baked lighting/shadowing informations possible, like pre-baked Ambient Occlusion, as this is handled through a bespoke map.