Guide for FoxKit 1.0.
This guide will continue the Mod Folder created in FoxKit: StaticModel and GeoxCollisionFreeShape. Please, see Setting the Mod Folder and Creating a Fox2 file. Now we’ll meet four entities building water in-game and adding a vfx.
This Entity creates the visual and moviment of water in-game. A second Entity called TppPrimRiverModelParam deals with more options. The Entity also needs to load a texture which TppTextureLoader should come in hand.
Also we need to attach this water visual to a static-model that game calls for Puddle. I choose the puddle afgh_pddl001_vrtn032. This one does not need a geom file, it is optional. If the puddle has a geom, it will avoid camera go underwater. As we learned from the previously guide on how to load a static-model, this one is the same. Check the rotation and copy paste to Entity Window. Change the pivot to Center/Local because some models, like the one I chose, have a far pivot to handle… Place where you think it may be good and done.
primRiverGroupName is whatever you might call it. I named it as WeirdWater.
visibility is the bool of false or true. Check true.
depthBlendLength seems to work with float values between 0 to 1.0 and it seems to handle how much visibility between the surface and the bottom of the puddle. I choose 0.2
raise. It’s not clear what it does to me. I saw values like -800, -1000.
Lastly, link the StaticModel Puddle we created. It only shows up if the DataSet is inside the package definition we chose. afgh_common.
primRiverGroupName is the same name we chose before. WeirdWater.
visibility is the bool of false or true. Check true.
baseTextureName (afgh_pddl001_ct_bsm), normalTextureName (afgh_pddl001_te_nrm) and cubeMapName (cmp2) are the textures names that we will see with TppTextureLoader later.
lightCaptureLocator Need more info about that. It can be empty.
First Wave (scrollDirection0, scrollSpeed0 and scrollScale0), Second Wave (scrollDirection1, scrollSpeed1 and scrollScale1). You can see that I chose one wave to be calm while the second wave will be bigger, fast and move to another direction. Unfortunately it lacks more info about which values precisely means.
transparency is obviously. Float value between 0 to 1.0.
transparencyDepthBlend sounds a lot like the depthBlendLength
reflectionRate Float value between 0 to 1.0. Didn’t catch what reflection means here. Need more info.
distortionPower Float value between 0 to 1000. If value is too high it disturb the water a lot if player walk through. If jumps into the ground/water it splashes a lot of water.
surfaceShadowRate Float value between 0 to 1.0. Shad only.
oilIntensity It needs more info. I put 0 to not have any oil aspect.
useHnmTexture and debugReset are booleans that need more info. Can be unchecked.
It adds a effect of player getting wet, splash water and trigger a sound of wet. It’s quite simple to add. Create it in DataList Window/Entity/TppWaterBouding.
Once you load the TppWaterBounding entity to the Dataset and create a TransformEntity, set a cube inside of the gameobject in Hierachy Window. Move, rotate and scale, not the cube but the TppWaterBounding0000. Make sure the WaterBouding fills the puddle. Copy and paste the rotation and scale to the Entity Window.
enableRotate can be unchecked. Need more info about it.
debugDraw need more info.
type choose what is the best for you.
This one will link the texture that needs to be showed for water in TppPrimRiverModelParam.
baseTextureName, afgh_pddl001_ct_bsm
normalTextureName, afgh_pddl001_te_nrm
cubeMapName, cmp2
Because of that we now have to create a pftxs folder and add the ftex textures. The way is the same as we did with afgh_common_fpk and afgh_common_fpkd in Setting the Mod Folder.
go to LoadingStairsInGame/Assets/tpp/pack/location/afgh/pack_common/…
Create a afgh_common_pftxs folder.
Open the afgh_common_pftxs and create /Assets/tpp/environ/object/afghanistan/puddle/afgh_pddl001/sourceimages/
Get all the ftex and ftex_1 textures in Texture_dat from the same path folder we made, copy and paste to the folder we created. It should look like the image down below.
One more folder path should be made for the cubemap.
Open the afgh_common_pftxs and create /Assets/tpp/common_source/cubemap/environ/afghanistan/cm_afgh_cb_vllg003/sourceimages/test03/
The choice of those texture are my fav. Feel free to choose the best texture for puddle and Cmap.
Copy this folder with the files to Unity.
/Assets/tpp/environ/object/afghanistan/puddle/afgh_pddl001/sourceimages/ /Assets/tpp/common_source/cubemap/environ/afghanistan/cm_afgh_cb_vllg003/sourceimages/test03/
Let’s see the Entity Window for TppTextureLoader. Create it in DataList Window/Entity/TppTextureLoader
The name of Textures and forceLargeTextures are the same we saw in TppPrimRiverModelParam. Only that wt_bsm and srm went out of TppPrimRiverModelParam. We need more info about those two and if can work without them or not.
Choose only ftex. And not ftex_1.
Now, let’s pack the afgh_common_pftxs with the tool AutoPftxsTool.v0.2 and place it into the Mod Folder for when we test in-game. MakeBite does not pack pftxs folders like it does with fpk and fpkd.
FxLocatorData, just pick one vfx and load inGame. But what vfx to load? We currently don’t have any tool that does a preview of each vfx. This Entity comes to help us load the vfx and look in gameplay how it looks like. Another way to see a hint of what vfx is is open the file with the vfxTool and search the texture to grasp a visual of what might be the effect. After some tests I found one vfx of water for this guide.
SPLASH/ fx_tpp_splwtr10_m1.vfx, its a waterfall.
We need to add a new folder path to our Mod Folder.
Go to afgh_common_fpkd
Create the path /Assets/tpp/effect/vfx_data/splash/
Find the Effect fx_tpp_splwtr10_m1.vfx and copy to this new
Copy the vfx_data/splash/fx_tpp_splwtr10_m1.vfx to Unity under the
Create Let’s see the Entity Window now. Create it in DataList Window/Entity/FxLocatorData
Move the effect where it fits. Some effects really matter if rotated or noted. The Axis Blue seems to indicate the direction = 0. Scale does not matter unless you edit it with the vfxTool.
variationName Need more info about. Can be empty.
effectInstanceName Any string input here can be use in Lua script to turn off/on the effect with TppDataUtility.CreateEffectFromId(“Waterfall”) or TppDataUtility.DestroyEffectFromId( “Waterfall” )
enableUserRandomSeed Need more info about. Can be empty.
shapeKeep Check it so that if the vfx does not have a loop it will keep alive.
createOnInitialize It will of course spawn as soon player show up.
blockMemoryAllocation Need more info, but does sound interesting to check it if it’s using more than five FxLocatorData. Sometimes six or even ten wont load…
And the last, drag and drop the vfx file.
Save and export the new fox2 file to fpkd. Remember to update the fpk folder with the new staticmodel puddle. Now.. there is a few things we need to edit manually for the fox2file. The same process we did in the previously guide.
The Package Definition does not look right here. So its better to erase and keep empty.
And the StaticModel FLAG should be 4 and not 7. If kept as 7 it won’t load the transparency of water and texture.
Pack the fixed fox2 file again. Make the .mgsv file in MakeBite, building the LoadingStairsInGame folder. Open with SnakeBite and see it in-game.